woensdag 5 september 2007

French Banks part 3

A miracle has happened ! Today I got a letter of the bank with a statement that show the incredible amount of 185 euro credit. Well, how exciting.... It is ! Cos this account has been shut down for over 4 years and I never knew that the power of French Banks is so strong that they can wake account up from the death ...

So this morning I had a quick meeting with them to close it (again) and surprise surprise they were not be able to goes there was a payment made with it to another account of which they dont know the whereabouts hahahaha I hope it belongs to me and had the latest lottery winnings on it !! The lady from the bank will get back to me asap, which means either in three weeks or never.

Needless to say that my big cheque has still not being found back and even the notary office is starting to give me the same silence treatment. Well, lets stay positive and celebrate the 185euro and buy some lotto tickets with it, maybe I get lucky again.
But this would leave me with a difficult issue... Which bank would be the bank to take care of the money?? oh lallaalal what a scary thought!

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