woensdag 5 september 2007

Blog Bday

Happy Blogday ! Its official ! Today my blog is celebrating its first month and I reckon that this should be rewarded with a new National Blogday, or Free Blogchampagne for everybody.

Kabouter Blog? Blog Party?

But seriously, has it changed my life? No, not really, I am still that strange Dutch man with even stranger hair & often strange t shirts buttttt Its fun. Everyday a little story, some people commenting on it, expressing myself librement and its therefore stimulating my creativity.

Although my audience is captive (thanks fam B, Mme A etc) it should grow so I am planning on buying a full size billboard campaign to raise my stakes... The World is mine, well maybe just mention the blog to some friends...cost effective :) I intend to inform the world of my exciting life (or lack of it) for the rest of 2007 and than we will see, maybe a referendum to decide to continue or to stop... difficult decision, but for the moment its been all fun & games as they say on the other side of ze water.

Of course I am open for suggestions, maybe you want me to make a film, sing a song, breakdance or participate in a rollator race (Oma can I borrow yours?) Or I can post my latest recipes or maybe a drawing of me line dancing ???

Well I guess I have enough nonsense to produce to rest me a lifetime :) Hope you enjoy it, its just the beginning. A plus

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