maandag 10 september 2007

Free at last

Its the age of new technolgy and not having a WIFI internet high speed broadband connection is like driving a Porsche with a Fiat Uno engine, not possible!
So, after some research about access, speed, installation kits and of course the price. I decided to pick the one and send in the form to get hooked up. The packs currently on the market even offer telephone and television services at very competitive rates. This morning I received the pack and the welcomes letter.

Dear Mr Bos, welcome to Free telecom, we are glad you have decided to pick us as your operator. I was stunned, I was choking on my coconut cookies, felt a strange urge to laugh.. As some of you might know I have been with Alice (no love connection here) since 2 years and happy with her services. This letter I received was in connection with a demand I made....5 years ago ! Did this letter took so long to deal with or did La Poste delivered it first in every town of France before putting it in my letterbox?? So many questions and so little answers.

The miracles of the French economy and customer service are close to biblical cannot see if you just have to believe in it! Maybe my lost cheque is taking the same tour and will show up within 5 years from now oh llalalal You gotta love the french !

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