woensdag 8 augustus 2007

Monkey Business

Having dealt with the French banks I also enjoy talking about people and particulary trust in people. I reckon that especially in business life this is the hardest. I take great pride in providing my customers with good and solid advise that will give them results; I dont want them short term and than run, I want them to stay and grow their business hence I grow with them.

When I started working in Monaco my first employer told me a wise lesson; Erwin never trust anybody in busines, ever! Well, to be honest at that stage a statement like this was quiet strange and I refused to take the advise and consider this as a reality. Unfortunately over the years this has been tested and I have had some of those dissapointments. Logic, u will say. Well, I guess so, but I am not expecting friendship from my clients but I expect them to treat me like I treat tehm, respectflully and professionally. Erwin wake up and smell the coffee! Ok Ok, the world isnt like this and never been, but am I a crusader for this? a leader? a naief businessman that likes to believe there are some still running around, worth trusting!

I guess so! When I accepted another job and progressed I generally was be able to maintain a good relationship with my past clients and sometimes even a more fruitful one cos they trusted me and I trusted them. So, what do I want to say today?? Well, I like to reach out to every working person in the world ( Yes I am ambitious) to give it a try, TRUST and treat your clients with respect, soon you will notice that they appreciate this and appreciation in business... is good for business! No monkey business !

Ouff, that was serious, but the people that know me know why...I can be serious too ;)
Sleep tight, E

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