dinsdag 21 augustus 2007

Life is good even when it rains

Shock horror ! After months of very very warm days, full sunshine and no drop of rain, this night and morning we had a liquid something, I think it is generally referred to as..rain?
The signs were there, yesterday evening no stars, the night was cold and it smelled like rain ...
I used to be called Little Smelly Foot, my indian name, so my skills originated from that.

Getting back to this huge and important event called rain. Generally we enjoy about 300 days of sunshine here and rain is not really part of Gods Masterplan for the Cote d'Azur. Which means it really has an effect on people. The postman is in a bad mood and delivering wetmail (thank God for email), concierge is complaining that he needs to clean his car again (his daily job, I would prefer he cleans the entrance but...) and me of course picking up the FT out of the garden (that is another story) spoiling my haircut and a newspaper.

It just feel different, when the weather is grey and rainy. It reminds me of Holland, a super country but I would suggest putting a roof on it ! Those grey Sundays, nothing todo, watch tv or read a book and thinking about the next working day. Or ending up fighting we anybody crossing my path hahahahh You got to love those days...

We are spoiled here and we dont appreciate it! All those sunny days, those long roads along side the beach, the blue sky and white pebbles, the terrace ful of people (I anybody working here?)
It is a great place to live and we should complaint, the plants are happy you know!
Lets try to smile and say that is soon will be over ... And think about the possitive effects it has, the eh ehhhhh, hey hang on...!!! The sun is back !

Oh forget it, I am having a coffee on the balcony with a wet FT , cheerio !

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