dinsdag 29 januari 2008

Pick and Mix

An important part of buying a house that is new built is the choice of the materials. Generally you get a standard pack of rather boring stuff and you need to decide and if you dont like it than you can pick something else at considerable additional costs of course. I have been going back and forward with the builder and the architect about certain things I wanted to change (only 7..) and oh yeah, I also didnt wanted to pay the full asking price (typical) so my bargaining position is not very strong... The constructor had agreed on my points but we still needed to pick the diverse material that will make the place Casa Bosco.

A visit on the site was part of this and Casa Bosco needed to decide on where to built the bath and not the bidet (shock horror for those behind wassers of Italians) and than the fire place, flooring as well as the parket floor.

Being part of a group of people that are passionate about what they do is fantastic and being part of a group like that That is also Italian is ....rather noisy. The shout, look angry, walk away, than come back and suggest the opposite before again changing their minds. It is like watching a bad Italian movie where screaming and shouting is considered to be acting. But quiet funny, in the end they all seem to agree on things although you got the feeling that they hate your guts and will kill you at the end of the conversation. Even stronger, I spend a big part of my time discussing with them their communicational needs.

Yes, I am also passionate about what I do and they feel that. So, after some strong conversations on which I picked a fantastic fireplace (looks like a plasma screen on the wall) and superb tiles and flooring, I took time to discuss internet strategy, design and marketing actions.

With a vary captive audience we exchanged business cards and will start to exchange emails to get a proper brief for their website. The italians have realised that they are good in design and have great products but the clients are across the border and you need to bring them in. Internet and marketing actions are important and they trust more professional companies eg an agency with this and if this agency is already their client...well than all is perfecto!
Again, it is clear, a client can be on your doorstep, just invite him to come in and you will be amazed when he brings along his friends.

Geen opmerkingen: