maandag 24 december 2007

Traffic Terror

In the many countries I was lucky enjoy travel to, traffic issues were often part of the culture shock. But after almost 8 years on the Cote d’Azur (highest number of pedestrians death in France) I am pretty much prepared for the worst.

Well, think again comrade, Moscow is a whole new world, a world in which crossing the street is more a game of survival. A green light is just a confirmation you can cross the street and having a big car is not to show off but to be safe of all the other traffic users (mis)behaviour, that would make Michael Schumacher wet his lederhose. Cars overtake, accelerate and stop when and where they want to, logic is not a rule. The police stops the occasional car with a dirty licence plate (3 euro fine) and visits the scene of yet another car crash. However the rich and famous have spend about 10.000 euros to get a special licence plate with for instance X987 X X e.g. identical letters that makes them untouchable for the police.

Mind you, you don’t want to meet the police… men of few words and even smaller brains that are all just above the legal (drinking) age. Today I have crossed the street several times, holding my breath, praying and running, and all went well. Tonite however I witnessed that traffic terror has reached absolute maximum madness, with all Moscovites getting in there car and driving home as fast as they can. Think about this, Putin is sitting in his Kremlin office at 18.30 he pushes the red traffic button, all employees get their sheep’s and run to their Lada’s and have 1 hour to get home or they have disappointed the Great Leader… Wow, shouting, car crashes, traffic jams of hell, klaxons, etc absolute chaos! Amazing when you just walk past, damn scary if you need to cross.

It looks like the insurance industry has finally found car paradise but are locked now in traffic hell….

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