With the house sold and the official handover date fast approaching a whole new phenomena is taking over the Riviera Palace. The franctic search for a new crib and the cleaning up and start to pack mood is taking the better of me.
Although I am not a person that gets attached quickly to things I still seem to suffer from the 'Never throw away syndrome' cos there is really a lot of stuff that I completely forgot about and that frankly should have been thrown away ages ago.
Some examples; my Dutch licence plates (10 years ago), 7 different mobile phone chargers, tons of clothes that are so old fashion now that I will get fined just crossing the street with them, a rainforest of papers, 200 pens (1 is actually working), half burnt bday cake candles (must have been very expensive...), and the list goes on and on. But sometimes you also find things you forgot about and bring back good memories; a dusty Rage against the machine cd. Basically this was my fastest way of getting to my first speeding ticket, 190 in a pimped up Civic is possible! But also a picture of me during my graduation ceremony at Bristol Uni, priceless... I surely look silly ! And I also found back my video tape of the Life of Brian, probably the funniest film ever made. (Crucifixion? Good. Out the door, line on the left. One cross each. Next!)
If you look at it from a different you actually realize that it is a rather nice experience. You find back the things that you forgot about but remember instantly the good memories, you get rid of all the crap you thought you might use in the future and you get back to the more essential things in life. In all, it seems like changing house is a rather a moving experience!
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