woensdag 26 december 2007

Business As Usual

Combining pleasure and business is part of the Moscow experience, and today is no different, meeting Alexei of www.connexions.ru, DM agency, to exchange experiences. We caught up in a local cafe house for a coffee and a chat. Alexei explained me that three partners had created the company in '99 and since than things have gone from strength to strenght in what looks like the land of opportunities.

Applying the same rules as we do at JrSr, working hard and being professional ! I was interested to hear what the real potential was of the Russian advertising market, after having read in an article in the FT that quoted 30% growth rates. It became clear to me in the last couple of days that the outdoor advertising is huge and everywhere, this will soon be regulated I guess. For the rest TV advertising is massive with 10 minutes breaks every 15 minutes but where is the 30% growth potential? Alexei is clear about this; database marketing is the key to success!

As in all markets, success is important and a well targeted campaign can only be executed with the right database e.g. the right people. The majority of international companies have understood this and use their services however the more local companies are still in need of some convincing, something which I also realized lately. Sharing experiences and ideas makes us understand better how to do business internationally.

But again it is clear that networking marketing, social networks and knowning the right people are key criteria to get business hence grow your business.

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