maandag 31 december 2007

OrangeEmpire Wishes You...

Of all the blog messages of the last months this will be one that is rather straight forward but nevertheless one of great importance!

The OrangeEmpire wishes all of its readers a fantastic, healthy, successful and wise 2008. The negotiatings were difficult but the OrangeEmpire has concluded a deal for all readers of the blog that 2008 will be a the best ever!

So many thanks for reading, keep up the good work and enjoy what will be a fantastic year for everybody.

Greetings from Moscow

zondag 30 december 2007

Sorry Grandma !!!

A diner is often followed by a tea with cake and tonite it was cake time again but the place was already chosen; Sorry Babushka! in other words, sorry grandma, I like the name and the logo is even better. So I was ready to put my teeth in a nice piece of cake at grandma's place. A cherry pie with a bit of sauce and icecream made it tonite to my 'How to get fat quick list'. However the OrangeEmpire mister was being mildly difficult and asked for vanilla ice instead of chocolate.

This turned out to be a huge problem, with the waiter coming back and apologizing cos the kitchen didnt want to chance or I should pay double. Strange, because this was apparantly THE place to beski and they were not really busy. Change of program than, a cherry cheesecake than, which turned out to be the size of 5 cherries but the taste was ok.

Music at this trendy place was lounge and ok but when the cake arrived, the DJ changed style... The peppers, Oasis wonderwall at 3 times the normal speed and than the Scorpions...The bill please ! I am sorry Babushka, but I wont be returning!
Still a pretty funny logo :)

The meet market

Heading in the blistering cold out to what could only be described as the end of the world market... but I would say the Zwartemarkt in Beverwijk is quiet close to it.
Walking out of the metro station lots of people head straight to the open market to buy whatever they feel like buying; clothes, knifes, DVDs, russian souvenirs, gloves and hats etc etc There is a huge quantity of minibus companies that bring and take people from or to this place, some look like they were in a big traffic accident (and many were) and so smell like a bottle of vodka on wheels. The entrance to the market is 10 roubels (3 euro) and the cold wind is provided for free.

The market actually looks quiet nice, a bit like a German weihnachtsmarket where gluhwein has been replaced with vodka. Shop keepers have all my respect working in the extreme cold and being rather friendly. How is this possible? The answer is about to arrive. An old lady is pushing a shopping trolley with hot tea and coffee and soup and a variety of bottles of vodka. This day it seems that everybody is allergic for tea and coffee... I start to wonder whether I have arrived with or without feet and my ears will break when touched. I clearly need to adapt myself to this climate, this provides me with a dilemma; vodka or hat. With both options I will look silly but I will be at least warm.
I decided to purchase half a bear and wear this now and I have to admit, I do look silly but my head is warm! (picture will follow soon to ridicule me more)

Funnily enough when I started to look at the shop close to wear I bought the hat, I ran into a funny foreigner. Turns out he is from Rotterdam and drops by every 3 months to buy souvenirs on this market and sell them in Holland or on Ebay, you got to love the Dutch entrepreneur spirit! He speaks like Jules Deelder and wears a silly hat too, it really makes me smile. This is what markets are all about, strange things and funny meetings! You are who you meet...

zaterdag 29 december 2007

Face the facts

The best way to visit a city is to be close to the locals. During the end of the year, this is not to be advised (see yesterday blog) but it can be fun. When walking around the whole day (minus 3 so that fine) my eyes are popping out frequently, the variety of faces is just amazing. Having around 21 million people running around on a daily basis, coming from all parts of Russian, there is a real painting of faces.
The typical ones of the old ladies with plenty of bags (food and fat...), drunks with wrinkles and greasy hair, army students that wear hats the size of ships, students with mini skirts etc.

All faces have stories to tell, some are look happy and successful others look like they try to survive on a day to day basis. The difference between rich and poor is getting bigger and that is visible everywhere you look. Russia has gained more freedom but lost some of their identity. The rich want to be like the Europeans and need to show off their wealth. The poor have no change getting a job or proper housing and rely on vodka to keep them warm. Was communism better than? Clearly no. All symbols of the old USSR have been removed and made room for a booming housing market and shops filled with plenty of food (even stroopwafels) People have more opportunities and more freedom but you need to take them, they are no longer provided by the government. Nobody is equal anymore but dreams are now be able to be realized, however you need to work hard for it.

The land of opportunities that Russia has become is one that provides a lot but at a price. That price is for some too high and it will probably take another generation or maybe two to get this balanced out.

vrijdag 28 december 2007

Under the influence of a Corporate Celebration

The end of the year is often reason to celebrate success or forgot about the failure of the current year and look forward to a new year. Many companies organise parties for this event and invite all staff to a free booze and food session. I was wondering if this would be the same in Russia or will the have a civilized talk, shake hands and have a cup of tea… Well today I was about to find it out.

Having travelled again through the beautiful metro stations the expedition metro entered the first station at around 23.00 and what I saw was more than I could bargain for…

The metro was packed with wobbly people that just about mentioned to enter the tiny opening of the metro (around 3 meters large), some didn’t even manage to get on board and where sitting on the bench with some kind of euphoric smile and a plastic bag with silly cooperate goodies in it. At the ticket office a smell of sweat and alcohol was so strong that it managed to make lean against it, two men were both responsible for it but nobody cared.

The overall state of the people in the metro could be described as a celebration of drunkenness on the expenses of the company and with their permission! Does this get any better?

After having spoken to several locals it turns out that the last 4 days leading up to the New Year are spend like this, and people do no shake the alcohol blaze for days. Resulting in women asking to deliver their baby earlier to prevent them from not having a drunk doctor.Hey, a doctor has the right to celebrate too….

In any case, I had a pretty good time observing everybody and I even made two friends…

donderdag 27 december 2007

Got my nuts cracked...

As a cultural virgin in the field of opera and ballet I have been trying to force feed myself with some more of these cultural ingredients. My last and so far only opera was a great success, 10 toes trying to leave my shoes and my brain overheated trying to understand what was so great about this singing?? Couldnt they just say it?

Well, today I added a new challenge to the list, the ballet. However this time it is the world famous Bolshoi theater home to the greatest of the greatest ballet dancers. Quiet exciting, so after an initial museum in the morning and a quick lunch, the expedition headed to the NutCracker ballet, changing 3 times at the metro station and wondering why people complaint in London or Paris about rush hour... everybody is so friendly and gets close so quickly.

Arriving at the theatre there is a mixture of welldressed people and jeans wearing people that all seem to be passioned by getting to watch men in tights...
The big salle was under recontruction so the small will do. The view was a bit cornerish but better than those of the Japanese that were almost hanging of the balcony and stretching their head like a giraffe.

Light, Music, Action, the show begins. The music is of course of high quality and after awhile more and more people enter the stage, jumping, turning, twisting and being elegant. I referred to it as over-exaggeratin of slow motion movements while jumping up and down, although this doesnt give enough credit to the dancers.
Talk about muscles!

The stage was nicely decorated and the play made some sense, but I feel that at this moment I start to understand the music however the bring is not yet capable of connecting the movement with the music and therefore the story remained a bit vague.
But it was a great experience to be able to witness this in such a mythic place and I feel that I am ready to jump in a Swan lake...

Enjoy the Silence

Rude awakening this morning by the neighbours that are rebuilding the apartment. Not something shocking but they have been doing that for 2 days now and continue until 2 in the morning. I guess a simple knock on the door would do it, but not in Moscow. It turns out that the neighbours are rather special, they are FSB which doesnt mean Federation of Secret Builders but its rebranded version of the KGB. Those guys you just dont want to get on nerves. Funnily enough the builders are foreigners that are working superhardski to get it all done, and I guess they will get shot when they finish. (interesting way of saving money but a bit messy)

I thought of a better way of calming the noise, maybe a little hamper with some vodka and caviar? or my Putin Rules t-shirt? Anyway, I have decided to leave them alone and just go to bed late which gives me plenty of time to eat cake and drink tea!

woensdag 26 december 2007

Business As Usual

Combining pleasure and business is part of the Moscow experience, and today is no different, meeting Alexei of, DM agency, to exchange experiences. We caught up in a local cafe house for a coffee and a chat. Alexei explained me that three partners had created the company in '99 and since than things have gone from strength to strenght in what looks like the land of opportunities.

Applying the same rules as we do at JrSr, working hard and being professional ! I was interested to hear what the real potential was of the Russian advertising market, after having read in an article in the FT that quoted 30% growth rates. It became clear to me in the last couple of days that the outdoor advertising is huge and everywhere, this will soon be regulated I guess. For the rest TV advertising is massive with 10 minutes breaks every 15 minutes but where is the 30% growth potential? Alexei is clear about this; database marketing is the key to success!

As in all markets, success is important and a well targeted campaign can only be executed with the right database e.g. the right people. The majority of international companies have understood this and use their services however the more local companies are still in need of some convincing, something which I also realized lately. Sharing experiences and ideas makes us understand better how to do business internationally.

But again it is clear that networking marketing, social networks and knowning the right people are key criteria to get business hence grow your business.

dinsdag 25 december 2007

Customer Service Muscle Removal

Today’s program consist of culture and to be honest Moscow has plenty of it ! A visit to the Pushkin museum of Modern Art is of the must do things. Entering the museum you need to pass first the security and when the alarm went off I was scared of being interrogated for hours but the ever so friendly security person ushered me to continue, excellent! Moving over to the buy the tickets, no problem, heading down to put the coat in the vestiaire… wow time stood still here. 10 soviet ladies in blue outfits grabbed my coated and gave me my number, brrrr, breakfast must have been cold or something.

The huge museum offered a variety of things, from Italian painters to Dutch to Russian, many Roman statues (with and without nose or arms) and Egyptian art. I personally like the latter part and I entered enthusiastically the room. Sarcophagus maximus, many little statues and tools and and … What I didn’t notice that between all those artefacts an old lady was following me with her hawk like eye but didn’t move, for one moment I thought she was part of the exhibition. I started to pay more attention and I noticed that the museum was richly decorated by those ladies, incapable of smiling and just sitting there without moving.

I needed a coffee! Coffee house visit and than the metro. Another wow moment, the inside of the Metro is like a theatre, richly decorated high ceiling and metro’s every minute, huge packed old metal snakes that enter this theatre and leave absorbing massive amount of angry looking people. Heading through the city centre to watch a French (!) movie in the cinema, I noticed that I was still being hunted by the grey ladies army. What movie is on? Look at the screen idiot! Spasiba. Where can I put my coat? Grrrr, didn’t you notice that I am only hired to fill the chair and that is it! Sorry sorry, it became evident that in public places the Russian Government had removed all Customer Service Muscles and ordered staff to be ask rude and non cooperative as possible.

I congratulate them for doing an excellent job…. Culture seem to have many different faces but not in Russia…

maandag 24 december 2007

Traffic Terror

In the many countries I was lucky enjoy travel to, traffic issues were often part of the culture shock. But after almost 8 years on the Cote d’Azur (highest number of pedestrians death in France) I am pretty much prepared for the worst.

Well, think again comrade, Moscow is a whole new world, a world in which crossing the street is more a game of survival. A green light is just a confirmation you can cross the street and having a big car is not to show off but to be safe of all the other traffic users (mis)behaviour, that would make Michael Schumacher wet his lederhose. Cars overtake, accelerate and stop when and where they want to, logic is not a rule. The police stops the occasional car with a dirty licence plate (3 euro fine) and visits the scene of yet another car crash. However the rich and famous have spend about 10.000 euros to get a special licence plate with for instance X987 X X e.g. identical letters that makes them untouchable for the police.

Mind you, you don’t want to meet the police… men of few words and even smaller brains that are all just above the legal (drinking) age. Today I have crossed the street several times, holding my breath, praying and running, and all went well. Tonite however I witnessed that traffic terror has reached absolute maximum madness, with all Moscovites getting in there car and driving home as fast as they can. Think about this, Putin is sitting in his Kremlin office at 18.30 he pushes the red traffic button, all employees get their sheep’s and run to their Lada’s and have 1 hour to get home or they have disappointed the Great Leader… Wow, shouting, car crashes, traffic jams of hell, klaxons, etc absolute chaos! Amazing when you just walk past, damn scary if you need to cross.

It looks like the insurance industry has finally found car paradise but are locked now in traffic hell….

zondag 23 december 2007

Red Square Surprise

Today the Red Square was on the program to be visited and just a short walk away from the residance, with the sun providing a welcome bonus. Its really weird to enter on this huge square with such a rich history after having only seen it prior on tv. Quiet exciting and really nice, the buildings would look good in a Willy Wonka story and give you the strange sensation to start licking them...

Being in the middle of the square it is obvious that we are all small and Russia is big and powerful. With the GUM shopping center for the rich, the famous McDonalds that everybody remembers when it opened, the grave of Lenin, and of course the Kremlin and the St Basils cathedrale. Not to forget all the different faces of the people walking around, I guess everybody looks rather bizarre wearing 6 sheeps and one reindeer ... All that walking around made my desire for any espresso very strongski and the search for a nice bar/restaurant started in the famous GUM shopping center. You cannot believe that shops were empty years ago with now the branches of Dior, Gucci, Hermes etc But the best was yet to come. The shops are being managed by a group that is of course very close to my heart...The Bosco family.
Really funny to see that the Boscos are everywhere. The Boscobar is the place to be, funky design and very trendy for the happy few, I like the sound of that.
The place looked really light and colourful with the most beautiful cakes. Staff all kitted out in orange (of course) so a quick lunch and espresso with cake seemed to be the right option. The majority of the clients were foreign or rich russians with even a Dutch guy with an Ajax scarf sitting 2 meters away!

Pricewise its close to Monaco, 4,50 for an espresso is as cheap as chips... But all very good. Moving on to what seems to be the most expensive street in Moscow, huge Maybachs trying to drive over you to buy the latest Cartier ring, a Ferrari dealership next to a Tods shoe shop, only in Moscow its all centralized and really out in the open; if you are rich, you show it!
The only down side is that things become really dark quickly so, the rich need to wake up early....

zaterdag 22 december 2007

Moscow welcomes you

After having spend quiet a few hours in the plane, Moscow was finally there to welcome the Bosaster expedition. Going through the customs procedures I was welcomed by Nikita, the custom lady that never smiles. Straight out of a James Bond movie, just for my pleasure. She took a very close look at my face and I showed her my Colgate smile, which could have been fun however she was lacking her fun muscle...

Having survived this, picking up the bagage was next, no problems there, next phase, transport to one of the 7 Sisters ( the residance building for the expedition) a almost brand new Lada was ready. Only one suitcase could fit in the trunk, the rest on the back seat, no problem. When the car finally started in the relatively cold and snowy airport, the petrol smell tickled my noise. As for the rest of the 40 minutes trip my brain was trying to fight the smell and my eyes were slowly being cleaned by a petrol treatment Russian style. On the road the number of Lada's was obviously quiet impressive and even more the fact that they still being produced in the same cubique style. But strangely enough the billboards on the road are only for cars that must cost a fortune, there vision must be to inspire people to work towards this luxury product, or something like that.

Arrived at the really nice residance, looking out on the impressive Kremlin, I was quickly reminded that this is a country of high security, when the door bell rang.
Two armed policemen asking for passports and the code word... When you arrive you need to call a specific number and give your details, which was forgotten and that has activated the alarm. I am sure that it will be a safe stay here, even so with the office of the KGB on the top floor.

I am very curious what the next days will bring because the city is massive and so different from what we are used to. I have two weapons with me, a digital camera and a REAL camera to capture it all. OrangeEmpire is reporting live from Moscow...

vrijdag 21 december 2007

Italian History : The Cosa Nostra

People often have weird hobbies or are interested a strange subjects. Well I am not different in this perspective and since I was a child I have always been interested in the darker side of Italy. In clearer terms, the mafia. My hunger for this subject wasnt the fault of my parents (saluti Don Bosco) but I was always searching for books about it and movies. The origin of the mafia date back to the early 1812 and started obviously in Sicily. The word mafia means 'Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela' in proper English this reads ; Death to the French is Italy's cry'.

The mafia is a world that is obscure but yet is shaped like a huge multinational with a clear internal organisation and fantastic growth potential. Ok Ok, getting fired is being replaced by getting murdered, expanding is often helped by a more direct approach and finding a job with them is for life and you dont find it on Not to mention that the products sold are often of the white powder kind.

Clearly the world created by the mafia is more an underworld that rules with an iron fist. So why than this fascination? Well, the mafia throughout history has been built up by colourful characters with names like Lucky Luciano, Teflon Don Gotti, Fat Vinnie, Al Scarface and Gaspipe Casso. Some made it big but the majority made it face down in the street cos natural deaths are not very common among mobsters.
The majority are often well dressed and really family orientated but just decided that a normal day job was not for them.
Many important figures in Italy and the USA have now been caught since some of key figures have started to 'sing' and the omerta has been broken. This has lead to great stories about the police hunting the bad guys, tapping phones or infiltrating the mafia. (have a look at Donnie Brasco, the movie)

Its seem that the mafia is larger than life and is playing a part in our culture but I just like to keep it as strange hobby ...

Erwin 'OrangeEmpire' Bosco

donderdag 20 december 2007


As a non smoker I dont really encounter the problems that smokers have; meeting downstairs at the bottom of a building in the freezing cold getting their 'fix' for the day... Welcome to Marlboro country... Soon a smoker will be a sort of persona non smoka, hiding in small corners trying to smoke one. I feel actually a bit for them. I mean, no restaurant is allowing them anymore, the majority of goverment buildings are no smoking zones and the majority of public places are too. Manufacturers have given up on them and moved their interest to the developing countries, cos they are still keen to tickle their lungs ...

What will happen with all the smokers in the developed world? Will they all stop smoking and cover eachother in nico patches and eat nico chewing gum?
No No, the Germans have found a solution that makes us smokers and non smokers happy!
They have created a little piece of smoke furniture which I have called the Smoke-O-Matic, as you can see on the picture it is a mix between the guillotine and the wooden board out of medieval times. It will not chop off your head nor its users will be at the receiving end of a bunch of tomatoes but its total comfort. With leather upholstery and pinewood construction it is clear that the Germans are strong in SDF (Smokers Desing Furniture) You will hardly look silly in it and smokers will be save from the patch and gum, that is what I call Vorsprung Durch Technik!

I salute my German brothers and hope that all smoker will have a comfortable time in the Smoke-O-Matic. Oh by the way, if you are interested in using one, than use your Tom Tom and type Smoke it even provides a specific smell... Thumbs up for Technology!

woensdag 19 december 2007

Business can be fun !

Doing business is great fun however sometimes things are not really going the way you thought they would go and you end up with some difficult moments in your business life. Well as always we tend to be postive and say that you can only learn from your mistakes and this might be true. On the other hand, have a look at this link, the 101 Dumbest moments in business ! Is reassuring since the majority of the multinationals seem to be having quiet a few of those moments.
From exploding toilets, to rats in the kitchen, to tiny pay offs to dumb company CEOs and meat flavoured Viagra for dogs!
Amazing to see that in huge companies like the ones featured in the article these things seems to pass by all the decision makers and actually show up in the real world!

Do these companies just dont care anymore? Do they suffer from the Goliath virus? Or does it proof to the world that people are human and they make mistakes?
Well, it proof to me that there is plenty of space at the top for people with both feet on the ground and a healthy dosis of common sense!
Have fun reading them cos some are really incredible!

dinsdag 18 december 2007

Never throw away syndrome

With the house sold and the official handover date fast approaching a whole new phenomena is taking over the Riviera Palace. The franctic search for a new crib and the cleaning up and start to pack mood is taking the better of me.

Although I am not a person that gets attached quickly to things I still seem to suffer from the 'Never throw away syndrome' cos there is really a lot of stuff that I completely forgot about and that frankly should have been thrown away ages ago.
Some examples; my Dutch licence plates (10 years ago), 7 different mobile phone chargers, tons of clothes that are so old fashion now that I will get fined just crossing the street with them, a rainforest of papers, 200 pens (1 is actually working), half burnt bday cake candles (must have been very expensive...), and the list goes on and on. But sometimes you also find things you forgot about and bring back good memories; a dusty Rage against the machine cd. Basically this was my fastest way of getting to my first speeding ticket, 190 in a pimped up Civic is possible! But also a picture of me during my graduation ceremony at Bristol Uni, priceless... I surely look silly ! And I also found back my video tape of the Life of Brian, probably the funniest film ever made. (Crucifixion? Good. Out the door, line on the left. One cross each. Next!)

If you look at it from a different you actually realize that it is a rather nice experience. You find back the things that you forgot about but remember instantly the good memories, you get rid of all the crap you thought you might use in the future and you get back to the more essential things in life. In all, it seems like changing house is a rather a moving experience!

maandag 17 december 2007

Captive audience

As an advertiser you always look for a media with a captive audience. An audience that will adopt your product quickly and that is large enough to sustain growth for many years to come. For some product/companies this is like Utopia, they know it is there somewhere but they will never found it. Communication agencies are the finders, they find solutions for these companies to assist them to a new world called Eureka. A mediaplan is a combined mixed for one client that covers a variety of those media, like for instance radio, presse or television.

Of the utmost importance for agencies is to stay ahead of the game, always on the look out for new things that could lead to a quicker way to...Eureka. Internet is obviously now one of the media we often suggest since it is still growing and being adopted by a huge crowd of people with a world wide appeal. However as of today I can add a new one to this list that recently saw the light in Germany called Etos Television.

The principe of this channel is very simple, for a fee, it will broadcast video obituaries of your late beloved relatives and friends - offering the opportunity to celebrate their lives on satellite television. This will then of course be 'coloured up' with some nice soft music and images of the the Virgin Mary etc.
Apparantly the market is huge, since people always seem to die in the end. Which means over 850,000 people in Germany alone and with 3,4 million people in mourning over those people, you can surely say that it covers the key criteria of a captive audience with growth potential...
Not sure what the going rate for advertising space will be...

The Final week...

This week is the final week of the year during which JrSr Int, division France/Monaco is roaming the streets to get the business in. It has been a great 4 months since I joined them and we have really put things in place that will make 2008a success! Hard work and creativity always pays off and that is what everybody does within JrSr.

We recently added Powerplate France to our client list and are currently ready to welcome 8 other clients to the ever increasing list of happy customers. The week is no excuse for sitting back and relaxing, we will be doing presentations, sending emails and getting those quotes firmed up before Xmas.
During next week we will still access our emails although from very different places. Abfab will set up their office on a snowy mountain top at about 2.000 meter and I will enjoy a number of meetings in what will be a very interesting trip to Moscow.

JrSr is crossing the borders and getting business in the land of Putin and comrades! I would therefore suggest to all future clients to quickly send their contracts signed before next week cos you never know when or if I will get out of a Tupolev.....

zondag 16 december 2007

Strange meetings

One of the aspects of my business life which I really like is the human contact factor. Each day is different thanks to the people I meet and work with which makes my work never boring and always full of surprises.

However, surprises were also provided on Saturday night when I walked through the city of Nice at around 23pm. Nice is quiet lively during the summer but when the cold weather is starting to rear his head, since change and this often gives a mixture of people wandering the street. Well, last Saturday night was no different.

First person I ran into was beggar, sitting on the street with a HUGE rabbit ( I suspect somebody was hiding in it) sitting on his knees and holding a card with something on it that I was not be able to understand but I guess it has something to do with money... The second were two parents and 2 kids that were well dressed and asking for one euro. Very strange. I did give them one euro but I was very curious to ask them why...which I didnt do but I started thinking. Did they try to by some nice african art from those very talented african sales team and were a euro short? Did they have a meal in a restaurant but didnt have enough for a tip? Did they need money for a call to say that their car broke down? Some many scenarios in my head. But at least they were very happy with the euro.

Moving on, next meet was funny too. A long lost business contact that from years back that keeps crossing my path all over the globe!
But the funniest one, was yet to come. A some what strangely dressed man with lots of bags starts talking to me with a voice that shows that 'alcohol does wonders for your brain' and ask me an interesting question. Which city are we? Ah, that is a question I would not expect at 23.00pm. My reply leaves him somewhat confused and since it seems that he is not on the right track he asks the way to the train station and wonders off happy to know that there is a new goal in his life...
After that I was fairly close to home and no more people in the street.
(apart from the ones you pay per hour but I rather stay far away from them )

So next time when you are bored, have a stroll through Nice or any other city and enjoy what city life has to offer you and make somebody happy! Its only one euro!

vrijdag 14 december 2007

Social Networking Hype or ?

The hottest thing on the planet now for companies is social networking. It has become essential to be part of a social network to either interact with friends, make new friends or use it as a business tool for networking purposes.
Think of a Tupperware party without the plastic crap you dont need...

There are many different ones that all seem to be the new thing, and you need to be part of it. The business version I prefer is LinkedIn, which is international and an industry standard. I have been member of years but only recently really start using it as a tool and have discovered that 75% of my prospects or clients are also on it.
(meaning 25% is up for graps!) But the more fun site are the Dutch Hyves and Facebook or Bebo. A social network which, up to very recent, wasnt spoiled by advertising and really linked friends of all over the world on one common page to share there music, ideas, pics and silly films and just providing a bit of interaction that is fun.

However, having said this, many company have started to create their own networks and we are now facing an dilemma of joining new ones. If I dont join this one, will I insult the person who invites me? If I join I only have some members (friends) will I look popular enough ? ... Questions that are not very relevant or interesting maybe, because there is one and one only question to ask...
Where will those social networks be in like say 50 years from now?? Will we still use them or is it just an hype?
I have asked myself this question and being curious (its the big nose) I discovered the featured photo and realized that, YES, Facebook will still be there in 50 years. The only thing that has changed considerable is .... the user!

donderdag 13 december 2007

Its getting Hot in Here

It looks that the summer has made a pact with the Devil and agreed to stay a little bit longer that initially negotiated. This morning in Monaco with 20 degrees, complaining how warm it was and looking out over the sea with sunglasses and my coat in my hand??? Is the normal?? Well, things dont stop here cos the overall feeling is that everything is heating up.

Businesswise JuniorSenior starts to get more well known and the pipeline is ready to burst and AbFab and ERJB are standing behind the exit ready to catch them all! Although the majority of people are thinking were to spend Xmas and what to wear for New Years Eve, we are just doing our utmost to get prospects transformed into real clients and prepare the field for what we feel is going to be a great 2008!

So, let's just make the most of the end of 2007 and work our behinds off, because life is good and the weather is even better!

woensdag 12 december 2007

Shrek in Iraq?

The news about Iraq is always rather depression and hardly improving over the years. But well, war time doesnt really produce smiles and we dont expect it to do. However sometimes there are those moments, when a situation makes you smile and forget for a minute that you are part of a war and people are dying everyday.

Today I noticed the above picture of an American soldier patrolling the streets and being very much concentrated on his task. All of a sudden, there is the head of a donkey staring him in the face! Look at his face, it reminded me of Donkey in Shrek and when looking at the picture I smiled and could hear Shrek talking in the back of my mind... (ogres are like onions, they have layers...)

I just hope that it made the soldier smile for a small moment and made him forget about it all. Sometimes a small unexpected event that maybe doesnt take more than seconds, can really make a big difference !

Let's just hope that they will all live happily ever after !

dinsdag 11 december 2007

Proud to be Dutch?

The Netherlands, a small country with a fairly good economy and business reputation and not too bad at ice skating and football. Does this do justice to it? Well, not really ! I reckon that credibility comes through what we have achieved as a small country, so let me check.... Well, we created apartheid, maybe not a good example. We are the frontrunners on legalizing laws that no other country wants to see legal e.g. prostitution, soft drugs, euthanasia,... Again not really something to be too proud of. Maybe we should focus more on other things like expressions; going Dutch or Double Dutch, again all not very positive. Dutch Schultz? He was famous, but also a notorious gangster.

It sounds like the impact of Dutchness has been rather negative on things, however I recently discovered that there was an animal named after the Dutch. That is progress and something that will live on forever! But when I had a look at the picture, I noticed two things, first it was a monkey and second, damn that nose is just not for real! I guess that in the animal world this monkey will have a hard time, cos surely they will take the piss out of them. On the other hand the sad things is that this monkey race is decreasing rapidly and might no longer make us laugh for the coming 10years.

Will this be sign? Will we as Dutchies leave nothing as a legacy to the world?? The only thing that jumps to mind is our painters. Will art save the Dutch?

maandag 10 december 2007

Lady in Blue

For years my sister has worked hard to proof to my parents that I am what they call the black sheep in the family... Although being blond, Miss E stood in the frontline when the Lord was handing out brains! She works crazy hours, travels throughout Holland and impresses everybody with her ideas and input. But being a woman and blond, this is kind of a challenge so to enforce it E. has decided to put matters in her own hands and joined forces with the chaps in blue. You know, your best friend on the street, to protect and serve etc.

This meant that the whole family went to a screening process and I had to leave the country in a hurry (pimped black car as being the blacksheep on wheels) She got the papers done and now my parents dont need to worry any more about getting speeding tickets cos Ms E will take care of them...
We are of course very proud of her achievements and I want to salute my sister out of my hiding place (It was a small price to pay) and dedicate this days blog to my sister; the lady in blue! The next phase to bigger stardom will be hard, cos in the force this come with an increased amount of hair... Good luck growing that moustache my little sister, I will maintain the family plantage ;)

zondag 9 december 2007

BCC Business Award

Saturday evening JuniorSenior participated and assisted at the 6th BCC Business Person of the Year award in Nice. This event was strictly penquin style and presented by Sir Stelios, the person that made low budget travel cheap and orange.
With almost 150 people attending the event it was a great opportunity to shake hands with the clients, prospects and people that we have seen for a long time in a very laid back atmosphere and a glass of bubbly. British people like to have a good evening out and the alcohol stock suffered accordingly. The sense of humour is always there and Mike the President had some good jokes to crack as did Sir Stelios, all of course very political uncorrect and that is how we like them !

Everybody participated as well in the evenings raffle naturally for a good cause and the grand prize was a one week trip with Easycruise and 2 tickets with Easyjet. A great prize since Stelios told us that he has repainted his ships and they are no longer orange and not spoiling the Cote D'Azur so the trip was the the Greek Islands.
A prize everybody wanted to win and in the end was won by....the sister of Stelios, to loud laughs of Stelios and the audience.

Naturally she waived her rights and another lucky lady left the evening with the cruise, tickets and 2 other prices !
JuniorSenior didnt leave empty handed, with Fab getting her hands on a nice hamper and me a bag of Walker crisps... (not to forget some good business contacts!)
The winner of the evening was Richard Green of Riviera Home Finders, however his biggest prize will be that he is communication will be going to be dealth with by us!
So only winners this evening!

zaterdag 8 december 2007

Legends of Music

Music is I believe by far the most important thing in life after oxygene and food of course... During the last 100 years many people have left their mark on the music industry with people like Elvis (overrated of course), Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Bob Marley, The Beatles etc etc Many of them have chosed to leave this planet by using a different exit door which has probably increased their popularity.
But what I always find remarkable is that many of the music played long ago, say 20 to 30 years, has proven to be timeless. The Beatles are of course one of the best examples of this with for instance the Revolver album or a song like 'A day in a Life". I remember playing my dads records on my Technics lp player in my room and thinking, where they hell got those guys those ideas from?? Although at that time I was also wondering who Lucy was and why she was in the sky with those bloody diamonds...

Unfortunately The Beatles are no longer doing there thing but luckily we have plently of great songs still to listen to and even the solo work of each of the members is of great value. Obviously the writers skills of Lennon&McCartney have remain something out of the ordinary something mystical. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and even more unfortunate the end chosen for Lennon was a not what he deserved. He was shot today (in 1980) by a 'fan'.
Its really sad that sometimes legends need to go through all this to become what they are today, all time heroes. But honest, only their music would have been enough!
Strawberry Fields Forever.

vrijdag 7 december 2007

Communication is a skill

This morning I attend a seminar that was organised by the ProAzurcom, basically the joint association of communication professional on the French Riviera. Some interesting speakers and themes, lots of people to meet and free coffee...
Full of energy and motivated I set off this morning at 7.30 to be on time in Sophia Antipolis. When I arrived at the incheck desk there was a slight indication that the organisation was French... It seems checking a box and handing out a badge requires three people and at least 30 minutes!

I entered the room and was surprised by the look of the people already gathered. As the communication industry is wellknown for its orginal people with strange haircuts and sharp suits, I guess when looking at them, they all tried to proof a point and dress 80s style, Yeah baby!

First conference, interesting speakers capable of entertaining and providing us with information that we didnt have with various powerpoints. Than the round table question round. Who has put down in a rule book that being a Question asking person you need to try to be serious and intelligent?? Well all the people had one simple question but didnt manage to phrase it in less that 250 words and 10 minutes! With the ultimate, one lady who was asked to keep it short... She spent 15 minutes to introduce the question before she was getting to the point with a very difficult issue apparantly... The guestspeaker looked at the lady and said; one very simple answer to this issue..NON! There you go, eat that !

During the break some interesting conversations but was it me or do people so up for the free food ? (coffee is ok hahha) Second tour. The after the break theme was Crisis Communication, and yes, my personal state could have been described like that. Speakers with slides that make 10 year old look like Powerpoint wizards, the ability to phrase words in a way that everybody lost the sense of the topic, including the speaker himself. But worst was to come. The last speaker before intellectual Master of Science, more certificates than a tree has leaves. For me this spells disaster! He was wearing grey pants with a blue shirt, no tie, buttoned to the top, which made it look that soon he would be without any air.
But he could speak...well the sound he produced was close to a special effect in a Star Wars movie AND I dont like those! Slides where mixed up, design was interesting.. but funniest, he started to waive with his hands to indicate to the remote slide director, to go to the next slide. Strangely enough, this person was always either to late or not aware of it, which made us end up with a red faced speaker waiving all body parts (almost all) to go to the next slide.
We were all waiving to the restaurant...
Being a professional of communication in France doesnt mean that you need to be able to communicate ! Gosh, JuniorSenior will spell Communication Revolution for them!

donderdag 6 december 2007

Old Fart Warning

Recently discovered gray hairs have clearly indicated that it is all down hill from now... Scared of what to come I have been searching the net to find remedies to postpone e.g. delay the aging process and the symptoms that are part of this.
However this morning I discovered that it will get worse and worse, when my eye spotted an article about a sports club in Devon, Uk that has but in special measurements to educate their aging members. One of the reasons for this what that Mr Fox recently got an official warning that he should control himself more.

Mr Fox, a nice 77 old fella that likes to play snooker and have the occasional pint has been suffering from my problem (being grey) but he also has another form, less pleasant. To put it more politely he suffers from flatulence, in proper English,...he farts! The current members can stand him being grey but the farting is one step to far. Mr Fox commented that he is just an old fart and its part of the package, adding to that that although they are loud, they don' t smell! Thank God for that!

I think I need to prepare myself for the worst and today I have ordered on the internet a fart filter that is ozone friendly and will take care of a possible smell.
It leaves me with just one other thing to battle and that is the sounds. I am currently on the phone with some wine makers in the Var Region that might be able to make a made to measure cork that will put a stop to this too!
Never knew that growing old comes which so many challenges!

woensdag 5 december 2007

The Battle : Sinterklaas vs Santa Claus

Explaining Dutch traditions to foreigners is generally very simple, the only thing they like to know about it drugs and the red light district. However another tradition that is rather harmless but fun too is what we call Sinterklaas. Basically, an old chap dressing up like a bischop and riding on a horse that looks like blue cheese and being helped by black piets, coming all the way from Spain. Black what? The black helpers of Sinterklaas look rather out of time and I guess that in quiet a few countries you already would have been shot for it. Thank God they are not giving away teddy bears called Mohammed. Anyway, Sinterklaas is the Dutch version of Santa Claus and the Black piets are just friendly hardworking people that like to wear red lipstick and have black mascara, old school transvestatites....

Moving swiftly on, on the Eve of Sinterklaas we all gather around and give each gifts and for the grown ups we tend to write a funny poem with it. The best is of course the food we enjoy, all high in calories, full fat and very sugery. Pepernoten, boterletters, chocoletter, taai taai, you would think that this event is a marketing stunt from Dutch Dentists...

Sinterklaas is especially for kids a great event but with the globalisation Santa Claus is trying to take over and a huge powerstruggle is currently be fought.
Chimneys are blocked cos Santa Claus and Sinterklaas entered the same house through the traditional door, there is a shortage of carrots and kids are getting confused through a PR campaign of Santa Claus claiming that Sinterklaas is a fake!
Tough times if you wear a beard and like to dress in red...

Personally I am a great believer in Dutch traditions and when I was watering my hennep on the balcony, wearing my wooden shoes eating haring from a Delfs blauw plate, I thought back of those days when I was a kid. Sinterklaas was a scary old fart but at least he dropped off some cool stuff, something which Santa Claus never did! So, I will stay loyal to Sinterklaas after the 5th of December I will close my chimney! Take that Santa Claus!

dinsdag 4 december 2007

Wanna sell? Put on a Show!

Everybody has some experience in buying a new car and entering the cardealer ship that looks cold and is staffed, by men that wear Donald Duck ties and and no only one phrase...Hello, looking for a car ? Doh. Wouldnt it be nice that when you decide to spend that hard earned money on a car that the environment is rewarding you, welcoming you with open arms, providing you with services you dont need, but still like to have?

Well the guys at Lexus have been doing that for a number of years. They feel that customer loyalty is the key to success and in the luxury market it is the only way forward. So how would this cardealership look? First of all, its not a dealership but an experience. Lexus Newport have created a huge place that is more a luxury hotel than a cardealership, with a plush cafe, grand piano, wife access, golf course, reading room, water wall, palm trees, clothes store, concierge service, ... But also more hightech services with built in microchips that monitor customer behaviour, LED screens welcoming new owners to the dealer, car delivery to your house and navigations courses through mobile phone units.

Customers are expecting a lot and Lexus doesnt want to disappoint and invested 75million in this car dealership. Result? They have been selling between 600 to 1,000 cars a month! Lexus is treating them well and in return the customers spends more and stays loyal, even women are loving it (maybe thanks to the nail salon on site).
Furthermore they guarantee a service that is top of the range! Cars can leave the place after 90 minutes ! Try that in France !
The owners of Lexus is Toyota and their strategy is simple, treat each customer as we would a guest in our home!

Lexus loyalty rate is over 60%, the highest in the car industry and they grow rapidly each year. Clearly Lexus has understood how to position its brand and interact with its potential and current clients in a luxury segment!
Take note European cardealerships ! If you want our money, make us want to spend it your place!

maandag 3 december 2007

Italian Cat Stew

When searching for the perfect house you tend to have a long list of things you desire, ranging from tons of space to having a garden and swimming pool. This list I bring along during every visit and tick the box for the Erwin Requirements. But having extended my search to Italy I found myself facing a dilemma of adding more to that list. The need of a good pizza or espresso are not one of them but one you would hardly think of but when you visited 3 houses, you certainly will.
This added criteria is ...CATS!

Having walked to beautifully preserved villages I encountered what I can only describe as an army of cats that manage the streets like a the mafia runs italie...
They have become the kings of Italy, being fed by grandmums, having small houses to live in and doing there thing New Dehli style. When I asked the real estate agent about it he smiled, mama mia, pets are outnumbering the habitants.

But things got even worse. When I entered the house, pushing cats away, I found myself in a beautiful house which had many orginal features. But than the agent opened all the windows, aahhhhhh two cats where looking at me from the roof top, one on the balcony, one hiding just behind another window and one in the gutter. This was Fellini doing a Hitchcock but replacing the Birds with Cats! Damn scary stuff.

I quickly added the Anti Cat Clause to my list and on the way back started to think what I could do with them... Cat stew, cat ravioli, cat soda flavored drink, cat cappucino, cat pizza, cat carpaccio. All of a sudden, it seemed that I found a whole in the market... The law of supply and demand are really in my favour !

zondag 2 december 2007

Nice By Night

Maybe you have had a quick look at the pictures I took off Nice last nite! As you can see Nice has changed a little bit. The famous place Massena has been transformed into a huge square that welcome the arrival of the brand new tramway. The whole square has been decorated by a local artist with Buddha like figure that change colour ever other minute. A little 2 million euros has been spend on them but I have to say the effect is quiet nice and make the whole thing look Christmas like but far more modern than a bunch of horribly decorated Xmas trees.

When having a stroll along the statues the familair sound of the tram (think Amsterdam) made me smile. Finally Nice has succeeded to create something (inspite of corruption, bribe money, budget overspend and 2 years behind schedule) that seems to give Nice something back that had been lost... space, less cars and easy transport!

I salute the local government (currently away somewhere in the Bahama's region to relax with the bribe money) for this initiative and when all is ready, I think we can proudly say ; Je suis un Nicois !

Nice Christmas Time!

zaterdag 1 december 2007

1st of December

Serious note to all readers. Today its world Aids Day and its 20th birthday. The day was created to make people aware of the fact that there are over 33 million people infected with the virus world wide! Especially African countries are hit the hardest by the virus. Nelson Mandela is one of the front runners in the battle against aids and he is staging a concert that will raise money to help further research and awareness programs.

A good cause and something to think about, use a condom !