vrijdag 25 juli 2008

Will it happen this weekend?

That is the one million euro question of this week. Will I finally move in after a tremendous amount of delays and problems that tested both my patience as well as my positive state of mind. But things are heading in the right direction. With the kitchen almost finished, the parquet floor ready and the walls will be touched upon a final time by the skilled hands of Leonardo Rhino the painter. Of course there are some major infrastructural issues outside the house but that should be resolved by mid August. Deadlines are short of, non interesting cos generally nobody sticks to it.

After for instance 3 failed meetings for the plumper, he finally showed up at 18.00 and had a quick look at it all and than notified me that he didn’t have the proper tools with him so he was off again… Fantastic, well matey just finish first the things for which you don’t need any tools and come back before the weekend or else… Of course he was very impressed by this… But in the end he managed to do a number of things that were useful. I have a good feeling about this weekend so I guess it will happen !

Than it just leaves me to create a For Sale sign and its back to the beginning.

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