Working from home is a good way to be productive and focussed and I find myself working more efficiently and even harder, not sure whether that is good but well, c'est comme ca! However there is always time for a break, just for a quick cup of the coffee bean gods or lunch. But lately this schedule is being broken up by calls on my mobile and or fixed telephone line. It seems that I have been made priority in 2008 and I should win or be protected. Naturally I have nothing against winning something or being protected but the French way is ought.
Picture this;
a sweaty, lightly nervous student is calling from a call center in the North of France, to congratulate me with my gift. My gift? The cloned and pre-programmed student reads the scripts and follows on; yes sir, you have won a juice maker. Aren't you happy? Well, no not really, cos I guess I have to pick it up somewhere and than listen to bizarrely dressed salesmen that are no good at selling. Ehhhh, well it is not in the script Mr Bos, but yes, you are right. Ok, thanks, but no thanks! But in the following days I have won an electric screw thingy, a toaster, a digital camera, a set of knives and the best one; 5 years worth of eletronic protection systems for free! In the year of the Rat, it seems that luck is on my side...
It is hard to believe that in the 21st century a marketing approach as old as stinky piece of roquefort is still doing it for those companies. Funnily enough one of the companies was an old client at RivieraRadio that prided himself with the fact that he was very 'state of the art' in terms of his marketing tools. Not sure that this fits my criteria of state of the art. But it clearly provides me with plenty of breaks I am not interested in.
I have therefore replaced my anszering machines message with the following; Hello, you have reached Lucky Erwin, I am currently too busy picking up gifts that I ask you to drop them off at my doorstep, many thanks and have a nice day, ps Call JrSr for some real innovative marketing tools!
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