To conclude the Russian experience, tonight the expedition headed to the Monte Carlo Orchestre Philharmonique, to experience Russian Christmas. 2 hours under the influence of Russia's greatest say the least, I was worried.
I had to pick up the tickets at the ticket office (ordered online but that is too high tech I guess) and join the queue of people that was kind of a grey line, average age 60. A culteral experience seems to be not an easy thing for young people and I share this too but I am also curious, curious whether this can spark something in my rather down to earth Dutchmanism.
First part kicked off in a soft style, quiet pleasant but not really my cup of espresso. Than the second part started with violin player Vadim Repin. Good eveninngggggg Monaco. What is this guy doing? It felt like the violin was his girlfriend and tonite he had decided to stroke her like there was no tomorrow. She purred, cried, scream and reached great heights, but Vadim never lost control. The man knows how to strike the right cord. After a battle between the girlfriend and him the departed off stage, presumely both very tired and satified. The violin was still smoking. This was a surprise ! When listening and looking at him I thought of him like he was driving an elegant Jaguar, driving quick through the beautiful hintenland, in control but gracefully.
Please dont think of Andre Rieu, cos he reminds me of a big pickup truck full of drunk guests dancing the polka.
Funny actually that it was almost like a rock concert, people dont headbang (back and forwards) but move from left to right and wear big fluffy hairdo's.
He even came back for an encore, during which he quickly explained to the surprised orchestre what to do, before switching into 5th gear and take a second attempt to finally cut the violin in two.
Spasiba Vadim, at least you have managed to surprise me and took me for a walk to a field of creativity of the newkind.
A worthy closure of the Russian expedition !
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2 opmerkingen:
I love the line about a pickup truck full of drunks; only in America!
Paul in Melbourne (Australia)
Thanks Paul ! I am sure you have seen them too in Melbourne ;)
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