Much has already been written about the new technologies that are making our lives easier and more fun, but new technologies are getting more and more personalised. Personalised to such an extend that you can design and decide what you want in terms of your wellbeing. Explain this Mr B. Well, trends of the last couple of years are all closely linked up to Wellbeing, Massage, Thalasso therapy, stress reducings candles ... you name it and you can find it on the internet. Many of these companies provide you with something that is lacking; time for yourself to relax. We are spending tons of hours behind our PCs that do provide some type of fun and warmth (especially when you touch the battery) but they dont not care about you as being a Relaxed and Healthy Human Being.
Therefore we surf the internet, book the hotel with the aroma theraphy, order the stinky vino based creams and burn candles that provide you with energy...
All time favourites are the Thalasso and Balneo therapy and the number of establishments that provide you with these services is growing faster and faster.
However you still need to leave that comfortable chair and certainly your house. No you dont! You can get now your personalised Balneo therapy session online! You download a program, define what you wish for and download the whole pack on your memory stick. (no no you dont need to insert it in...) than you go to your bathroom and plug your memory stick in your bath (provided that you have a specific Grandform bath), openen the water tap and let the fun begin !
With a bit of luck you are even be able to get your laptop on the edge of your bath so that you can still answer your mails ...
Have fun and check out the website of Grandform, crap site but good idea!
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