After long months of negotiating and multiple visits, today I handed over the keys of the house to the new owner. Having enjoyed 2 hours of notairy bla bla, I ended up with one piece of paper in my hands...A Cheque! And will subsequently be kicked out on Wednesday which is very soon and there is still plenty of stuff to organise so needless to say that a little bit of organisation skills is needed.
On the other hand it will be strange to leave the place after having spend almost 8 years there. Many memories, good and bad, but mostly good are now marching in my head and I am sure that the house will be a great one for the new owner.
On my side I am looking forward to start the Italian adventure but renting something was and is still a bit of a nightmare and I hope to get this sorted by tomorrow morning. Naturally I cannot be very picky since it is only for 2 months but just needs to be right! The real estate agent is working hard to get it all organised and after having seen quiet a few places it looks like I am going to be obliged to take the first place that I saw. (how typical is that)
Adding to that is the rental of two garages to stock my stuff and I will be ready to learn a new language, experience a new culture en endulge myself in espresso's.
The place as a sea view and a small garden so lets hope that the WIFI will stretch far enough to cover the range.
Well, a weekend of packing is ahead of me and I need to rent a big truck to get the stuff 'shipped' over but that will be the fun part.
It will be a little adventure but I am looking forward to it and I am ready to create a new home that will provide for many more good memories.
Feel free to drop by, the coffee machine will be switched on 24x24.
donderdag 31 januari 2008
dinsdag 29 januari 2008
Pick and Mix
An important part of buying a house that is new built is the choice of the materials. Generally you get a standard pack of rather boring stuff and you need to decide and if you dont like it than you can pick something else at considerable additional costs of course. I have been going back and forward with the builder and the architect about certain things I wanted to change (only 7..) and oh yeah, I also didnt wanted to pay the full asking price (typical) so my bargaining position is not very strong... The constructor had agreed on my points but we still needed to pick the diverse material that will make the place Casa Bosco.
A visit on the site was part of this and Casa Bosco needed to decide on where to built the bath and not the bidet (shock horror for those behind wassers of Italians) and than the fire place, flooring as well as the parket floor.
Being part of a group of people that are passionate about what they do is fantastic and being part of a group like that That is also Italian is ....rather noisy. The shout, look angry, walk away, than come back and suggest the opposite before again changing their minds. It is like watching a bad Italian movie where screaming and shouting is considered to be acting. But quiet funny, in the end they all seem to agree on things although you got the feeling that they hate your guts and will kill you at the end of the conversation. Even stronger, I spend a big part of my time discussing with them their communicational needs.
Yes, I am also passionate about what I do and they feel that. So, after some strong conversations on which I picked a fantastic fireplace (looks like a plasma screen on the wall) and superb tiles and flooring, I took time to discuss internet strategy, design and marketing actions.
With a vary captive audience we exchanged business cards and will start to exchange emails to get a proper brief for their website. The italians have realised that they are good in design and have great products but the clients are across the border and you need to bring them in. Internet and marketing actions are important and they trust more professional companies eg an agency with this and if this agency is already their client...well than all is perfecto!
Again, it is clear, a client can be on your doorstep, just invite him to come in and you will be amazed when he brings along his friends.
A visit on the site was part of this and Casa Bosco needed to decide on where to built the bath and not the bidet (shock horror for those behind wassers of Italians) and than the fire place, flooring as well as the parket floor.
Being part of a group of people that are passionate about what they do is fantastic and being part of a group like that That is also Italian is ....rather noisy. The shout, look angry, walk away, than come back and suggest the opposite before again changing their minds. It is like watching a bad Italian movie where screaming and shouting is considered to be acting. But quiet funny, in the end they all seem to agree on things although you got the feeling that they hate your guts and will kill you at the end of the conversation. Even stronger, I spend a big part of my time discussing with them their communicational needs.
Yes, I am also passionate about what I do and they feel that. So, after some strong conversations on which I picked a fantastic fireplace (looks like a plasma screen on the wall) and superb tiles and flooring, I took time to discuss internet strategy, design and marketing actions.
With a vary captive audience we exchanged business cards and will start to exchange emails to get a proper brief for their website. The italians have realised that they are good in design and have great products but the clients are across the border and you need to bring them in. Internet and marketing actions are important and they trust more professional companies eg an agency with this and if this agency is already their client...well than all is perfecto!
Again, it is clear, a client can be on your doorstep, just invite him to come in and you will be amazed when he brings along his friends.
zondag 27 januari 2008
Download your Massage

Much has already been written about the new technologies that are making our lives easier and more fun, but new technologies are getting more and more personalised. Personalised to such an extend that you can design and decide what you want in terms of your wellbeing. Explain this Mr B. Well, trends of the last couple of years are all closely linked up to Wellbeing, Massage, Thalasso therapy, stress reducings candles ... you name it and you can find it on the internet. Many of these companies provide you with something that is lacking; time for yourself to relax. We are spending tons of hours behind our PCs that do provide some type of fun and warmth (especially when you touch the battery) but they dont not care about you as being a Relaxed and Healthy Human Being.
Therefore we surf the internet, book the hotel with the aroma theraphy, order the stinky vino based creams and burn candles that provide you with energy...
All time favourites are the Thalasso and Balneo therapy and the number of establishments that provide you with these services is growing faster and faster.
However you still need to leave that comfortable chair and certainly your house. No you dont! You can get now your personalised Balneo therapy session online! You download a program, define what you wish for and download the whole pack on your memory stick. (no no you dont need to insert it in...) than you go to your bathroom and plug your memory stick in your bath (provided that you have a specific Grandform bath), openen the water tap and let the fun begin !
With a bit of luck you are even be able to get your laptop on the edge of your bath so that you can still answer your mails ...
Have fun and check out the website of Grandform, crap site but good idea!
vrijdag 25 januari 2008
A wee Franchise Opportunity

Today the JuniorSenior team had a meeting at Nice Airport with BoConcept. A modern design store that is growing fast. They are originally from Danmark but our now all over the world and expanding rapidly. There growth formula is linked up to a franchise system similar to that of McDonalds only less smelly...
Many of the shops we use on almost a daily base are using the Franchise system to ensure a healthy growth strategy and an interesting option for the franchise owner to make money through the good work of the franchise buyer. It sounds negative but it is really a good way of having your own company and still enjoy the packing of a bigger group in terms of marketing, brand, products, infrastructure.
JuniorSenior its growth strategy is similar and the prime objective is to create the New Generation Advertising Network, covering all major European cities and some of the other overseas ones. Mixing different cultures and multi task skills in what will be the most innovative and result driven advertising network known to mankind.
(I might not sound very objective ...)
But driving back from a meeting in Antibes, I was looking out over the sea, forced by this really old chap driving at turtle speed, and got a familar urge. Meeting after meeting you end up drinking tons of coffee and water but you never have time to visit the little boys room. Furthermore, the seaside of Antibes is not wellknown for its toilets and this made me think of another franchise concept. A toilet themed restaurant, the solution for busy business people. This chain could be called Wee Business restaurants and the design is easy, toilets as chairs, this concept rocks!
So, 30 minutes ago I wanted to copyright the idea and what did my Google engine came up with? Modern Toilet ! A Taiwanese franchise concept that has already 12 themed restaurant where... people are sitting on toilets and food looks like crap (excuse moi) A huge success, number one in growth. Welcome to the wonderful world of franchise, please dont forget to wash your hands after it.
donderdag 24 januari 2008
A Trade too Far

As a small kid I was interested in the stock exchange and the world surrounding it. It always felt like a short of game but when you really got into it, it was really interesting to read balance sheets and predict which one is going to do well.
I bought virtual shares and each evening I looked in the financial pages of the newspaper with some form of excitement and noted every share price on a piece of paper. At a certain time I added graphs and bought some real ones too and looked at the stocks with my dad. All kind of kids play but it did bring me some money and better understanding of the markets.
The other side of the trade market is of course, the traders that shout loud, make strange gestures and seems to overworked all the time but the money seems to be the main driving factor. Over the year there have been some very successful traders and or investors (Mr Buffet to name just one) and some very cocky ones too.
Living the life style and playing the stock market as a short of game and ending up with huge financial trouble for the employers they worked with. Rogue traders like Mr Leeson, bringing single handed Barings down with loses of a billion dollars!
Today the Frennch can be proud because the have there own story now.
Societe General and rogue trader Jerome Kerviel, was a little bit to optimistic and forgot to mention a number of procedures and ended up with a loss of 4.9 billion euros, roughly 4 times worse than Mr Leeson, and nobody noticed up to today...
A 31 year old trader that knew all the ins and outs and pushed his game just one trade to far. He was asked today to leave the company as well as a number of his colleagues and a law suite will probably follow.
It seems like playing Monopoly with other people's money is not without risk, people get greedy and think that will never loose or win it back soon. Trading is not a game nor a casino but with huge amounts of money being invested and everybody wants to become rich, it seems that the rules are forgotten and all is ok.
Just imagine Jerome going for a next job interview...oh you are the guy that lost almost 5 billion euros. Dont forget to close the door on your way out...
woensdag 23 januari 2008
The Future is Orange

After a good meeting today, I entered my local Orange mobile shop to ask a question about my smart phone that seems to be bugging me for a while.
This on itself is a very dangerous activity since Orange is well known for fixing your problem and adding 5 new one for which they will than charge you on top.
I entered the shop with my tail between my legs, a big smile and polite phrasing.
Mr Mobile of Orange was quiet helpful since he had the same phone, excellent news! Oh Mr Bos you just need to switch the phone off once a week and the problem is solved. Right.... well Mr I dont get my Sms messages, keep missing calls and sometimes dont even manage to call at all, dont think the solution off switching it off will do for me. Furthermore I have a special memory card that isnt working too.
Oh Mr Bos, I will fix that in 3 minutes. Good, lets start I say. 30 minutes later the slightly sweaty Mr Mobile starts to realize that indeed Mr Bos has a smartphone that is actually rather stupid.
Oh Mr Bos, the best way to fix it is a complete reset of the machine. Stop, halt, brake, I know this option and it generally cleans out my whole database. No, No, I just show you how it works but wont confirm the selection so that you can sync it before at work. Ok... BLEEP, your phone has been reset, all data removed, Welcome to Orange (on the screen) What the F**K! Oops well, it has never done this before too me, really strange.
Steam was coming out of my ears and I was ready to insert all the display models in the shop in Mr Mobile.
He suggested we call Orange HQ Tech center. After a KGB style interview, they decided that indeed the phone had a problem. Orange will free of charge replace you phone on Friday morning and the problem will be fixed... Ok, lets do it, I just need to pray that when I sync my mobile at work all will be retrieved.
On the way back I started to worry and when I finally synced the phone....BLEEP, cannot execute this procedure. AHHHHHHHHH, I now have an empty phone, no contacts, no agenda, no emails and I cannot make calls... The Future was Orange but I am RED!!!
dinsdag 22 januari 2008
Spring is in the Air
Everybody in Nice and surroundings have been complaining about the winter and the rain that seemed to stay for a little while these days. The wind was cold and the sun did show its rays but not too often. For a pure South of France habitant this means that it is as cold as Siberia and the worst winter ever...
I guess that they are a little bit spoiled to say the least.
But on Monday morning I had the first indication that spring was among us, when I discovered a Mimosa tree that was in full swing; bright yellow and smelling so strongly that it made my eyes tear... The mimosa blossoms are a clear sign that things are going to change for the better. Today it is 18 degrees and the sun is showing its smile and putting its warms light upon us as a fluffy duvet cover.
Soon the whole Cote d'Azur will see trees tranforming into bright yellow mimosa trees ready to be picked for the Nice carneval. Last year I visited the Mimosa Route with my parents, so if you are interested in overdosing on yellow fluffy blossom, get your car and drive to the start of the Route de Mimosa and I am sure you will get more than you bargained for.
I am off to sniff another tree...
maandag 21 januari 2008
Edible to Incredible

Some people have plenty of time to kill, or are simple bored and on the look out of something new and strange. Some take this to another level and have a strange fixation towards a specific subject. Well, in the UK there is a gentleman that is obsessed with fruit and vegatables, no this is not getting dirty.
He however has a vivid imagination that brings him to use all types of veggies and fruit to create images that from a distance look familar but when taking a closer look it turns out to be a rather different thing.
On itself it is a real performance to make a piece of brocolli look like a field of trees but he managed to pull it off.
Creativity comes and goes in many shapes and forms but in all cases it is unique and worth to share. A real case of from Edible to Incredible...
Picture Perfect

If I wouldnt be working in advertising/communication I would love to be a photographer and travel the world while observing it all through a simple lens...
I seldom leave the house without my camera and it really makes you look at things differently when you walk around with a camera. You tend to observe things closer, pay more attention to detail and be open to get surprised. Surprised by the beauty of a building or landscape, a face or simple capturing an ordinairy object in an extra-ordinary way.
Last week some of the most talented photographers were honoured with the Silver Camera for the work they have been doing in 2007. There were many fantastic pictures and as always the ones in black in white are extremely powerful.
I just picked on photo that was part of the sport category and shows clearly that each picture tells a story.
Have a look at the website for the other winners and the mini slide show of the black and white pictures is for sure worthy of a visit.
vrijdag 18 januari 2008
Super Bowl is heating up

No, I am not taking about fat man, dressing up as aliens and running around after a strangely shaped ball... I am talking about the airtime that goes with it. During the Super Bowl game (the biggest game in the US football season) about 94 million people (!) watch this game, which makes it a very highly sought after spot to advertise.
Furthermore the Superbowl has always been a fantastic creative challenge for many agencies to make a commercial that last 30 seconds but with an impact that is stronger that all the commercials combined during one year. This comes at a price of around 2.7 million dollars for a 30 seconds spot, so you better do something that kicks ass! This year the event is taking place on the 3rd of February and the list of advertisers is impressive and the buzz slowly takes shapes. With companies like Unilever, Coca Cola, Toyota, Dell, Fedex, General Motors, Kraft,... it certainly shows that this is a game only to be played by the big guns.
Funnily enough Hyundai Motors is having some second thoughts about the purchased air time and has started to kick out their current mediaplanners and is even considering pulling the airtime completely. The expenses are huge and they feel that the commercial is not really grasping that Superbowl moment. And with two commercial of 30 seconds and the creative and production costs you dont want it to fall flat on its face. However they have decided for the moment to stick to the original plan and remain in the schedule.
It all sounds like a PR trick to start the buzz very early and make everybody want to see this commercial.
Lets just hope that they are be able to create something that makes their cars look appealing... that would already be a homerun !
donderdag 17 januari 2008
My tailor is rich, no its Ajay
Being tall and funny shaped, thanks to the good work of my loving parents, you sometimes need to adapt yourself in style to it. I have been doing that for a number of years by using the professional help of Ajay the Flying Indian Tailor. A very friendly giant that has companies all over the world and is trying to push his tailoring business locally. He makes fantastic shirts and suits and he likes my strange taste when he shows the fabrics (ah Erwin, you will like this cos nobody likes it) all with the fantastic accent and big smile.
Phrases like; dont worry Erwin or I will give you a special price, do sound lots better with the accent, it almost feels like you are on holiday and being ripped off by some Thai tailors...
Well today there was a quick visit from Ajay to bring some dress sense to three Dutch gentlemen that are all doing business in the South of France and are of the potato variety, if you know what I mean. I felt like a hostess of a Tupperware party !
After having seen many different samples, they ventured into unknown territory by being measured. It was funny to see that grown up men are still not very relaxed when another start measuring them and asking intimate question about the way you wear your trouser, shirts etc
Luckily for them, Ajay is a pro and he is quick and it hardly hurts.
The potatoes ended up with a number of shirts and diner jackets but not all of them ordered something. They were more weary of odering cos you never know... Indeed, you might end up with a shirt that has three arms and bright orange...
It was clear today, a potato likes to get well dressed but lacks a bit of balls, but I guess that come as no surprise to many...
Phrases like; dont worry Erwin or I will give you a special price, do sound lots better with the accent, it almost feels like you are on holiday and being ripped off by some Thai tailors...
Well today there was a quick visit from Ajay to bring some dress sense to three Dutch gentlemen that are all doing business in the South of France and are of the potato variety, if you know what I mean. I felt like a hostess of a Tupperware party !
After having seen many different samples, they ventured into unknown territory by being measured. It was funny to see that grown up men are still not very relaxed when another start measuring them and asking intimate question about the way you wear your trouser, shirts etc
Luckily for them, Ajay is a pro and he is quick and it hardly hurts.
The potatoes ended up with a number of shirts and diner jackets but not all of them ordered something. They were more weary of odering cos you never know... Indeed, you might end up with a shirt that has three arms and bright orange...
It was clear today, a potato likes to get well dressed but lacks a bit of balls, but I guess that come as no surprise to many...
woensdag 16 januari 2008
A hairy adventure

A little while ago I reported exclusively on this blog that grey hairs had been discovered on my pointy head. Shock horror. The hairdresser that was the first witness of this rather dramatic moment advised to use a hair colouring product to get things back to non grey status. I have given this a lot of thought and realised maybe a few grey hairs will help me towards a more mature image (think Pierce Brosnan...) An image that is appreciated by everybody and enforced by wearing Harry Potter glasses... So,basically I decided against it all and have accepted (for now) my swift transfer towards the world of grey people.
Today, however I discovered that this decision was the right one, when I read the Daily Mail (by accident) and saw an article about a lady of 19 years old that wanted to get some coulour in her life and decided to take the path to eternal L'oreal-eness, with the new colour as a result and, oh yeah, some side effects...
Ok Ok, her skull got burned, her ear increased three times the normal size, she was not be able to lift her daughter up again (!), not to mention the immense pain she was in. Miss Peeling Skin did the product tests before but she turned out to be rather allergic to it all. As you can see on the picture, her hair looks great and in a couple of months from now she will be able to walk outside again...
Oufff, imagine that this could have been me! Less grey but with ears like Spock!
Thank God that I have embrazed my grey hairs and soon my theraphy sessions are finished too....
dinsdag 15 januari 2008
The Chinese are not happy !

French carmaker Citroen has withdrawn an ad featuring a doctored portrait of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong, after complaints it was an insult.
In the ad, carried in Spanish newspaper El Pais, Mao scowls at a hatchback.
"It's true, we are leaders, but at Citroen the revolution never stops," reads the text below the portrait. Citroen has since apologized for this.
Lots of free publicity and quiet a different approach from Citroen that is trying some more tricky ways of promoting their cars.
For once a French carmaker that dares, I can appreciate that!
The Tale of Seborga

As promised a little background story about Seborga because it has a rich and funny history that cemented its place in the Italian history books.
I will spare you the story that started in 954 but just explain you why it has such a specific place in history, all thanks to one man.
In the early 1960s, Giorgio Carbone, then head of the local flower-growers co-operative, began promoting the idea that Seborga retained its historic independence as a principality. By 1963 the people of Seborga were sufficiently convinced of these arguments to elect Carbone as their ostensible head of state. He then assumed the title Giorgio I, Prince of Seborga, which he has claimed ever since.
Carbone's status as prince was further supported by locals on 23 April 1995, when, in an informal referendum, Seborgans voted 304 in favour, 4 against, for the principality's constitution, and in favour of independence from Italy. Carbone is known locally as Sua Tremendità ('Your Tremendousness').
The habitants are called seborghini ! With a current population of 362 people, Seborga treats its habitants very differently. Each new habitant is being received by the mayor (and prince if he is around) they explain you the importance of the city and hand you the official flague of the Principality of Seborga, which everybody uses each day!
You now understand why this city is so fitting for me, full of history, crazy people and a principality (hopefully soon a new tax haven)
I am looking forward to meet them all and become a Seborghini (this one is easy to park...)
maandag 14 januari 2008
Benvenuto alla Casa Bosco

The bullet is through the church! Just minutes ago I have received the signed papers for the purchase of my new house. After having visited the whole of Nice, checked the whole of Monaco, I crossed the border and found what I was looking for ! A house that looks out over the sea with plenty of land to benefit a maximum of the super climate and of course being close to Monaco is another advantage.
However I have now become part of the Italian administration machine and the amount of papers to be filled covers 20% of the rainforest. Furthermore I have to venture into an area where I dont really speak the language and try to understand what is needed to life peacefully in Italy. Luckily my real estate agent Matteo ( I promised to make him famous) is being very helpful with getting it all translated and assisting when and where ever he can.
So the place; I have enclosed a small not very commercially interesting picture of the project on which I am noted as A. The house is situated in the Principality of Seborga (this is a complete story I will tell later), which is tiny but very close to Bordighera and famous for its climate and food. (which Italian city isnt??) Although the speciality is rabbit! It has an easy access to the motorway and close to the town there are plenty of shops and markets where Casa Bosco will be able to stock up on good coffee, plenty of fruit and beautiful fresh pasta with salad.
Although I was not planning to buy a new property this one is clearly new.
The advangtage was simple, I had a lot of input in the choose of material and colours but the down side is obviously that I need to wait cos I get the key on the 2nd of April. In the meantime I will rent a place close by to keep an eye on things.
It will be a great adventure and I am looking forward to welcome everybody to the housewarming party and the enjoy plenty of sun on the terrace and the garden.
Keep checking my blog and I will update the pictures at each visit.
Just for general information, I am accepting all major credit cards for donations...
zondag 13 januari 2008

After having spend Saturday in Monaco at a gala, Sunday should be used for something less business minded, something! So, what about a visit to Ikea? Excellent idea! Only 1 hour and a half the motorway, in full sale galore and not yet sure what is needed to buy. Indeed this sounds like a great idea, however there is one bonus at Ikea and these come in round shapes; Swedish meatballs.
Arriving at 12.30 I felt victim to the first product that was displayed, a pillow that will make dreams come through, I will have two than.
Moving on, it is always clear that you are in Ikea. The names of the products are produced by a mad Swedish scientist and everything seem to be useful but deciding what to buy is always the hardest. The number of people in the shop was actually not to bad considering the Sales period but looking at the prices, the sales are not really that obvious. After one hour, the line to join was the one to Meatball Country! Being not the only one, it took a little bit more time that my stomach wanted but the result was there; 10 meatballs with jam and sauce MMMMMMM.
It is really amazing that they still manage to keep those prices so low and the staff is always helpful and friendly. In addition to that the majority of the products are BIO products and the recycle a as much as possible. (even the residu of coffee is re-used)
The funny thing with Ikea is that the quality is not that great but the design is often Fun, Original and Useful and the price is of course fairly low. The Purchasing Law at Ikea is simple, you pick a variety of orginal designed articles and add this to other real designer items that you purchase online and the two together makes a perfect match.
However when the announced that the store would be closing in 25 minutes, I realized that it was already 19.00 and I was still not decided on many things.
A simple Sunday of Ikea shopping is serious business and it looks like it will not the last time, any excuse will do to have another plate of Swedish Meatball !
zaterdag 12 januari 2008
Will the real Barry White stand up please?

The last couple of days I have been battling it out with my army of anti corps to what seems like an attack on my health. This means I have pain everywhere but never really enough to stop drinking coffee and see a doctor. However this morning I woke up and felt like something was wrong. I looked in the mirror and had gained 40 kilos and was black! But it got worse, when I started to talk it sounded very low.
It was clear I went to bed as Erwin and woke up as Barry White...
I guess this is sufficient for me to finally head to the green cross shop and purchase all necessary drugs to get the old Erwin back.
When I entered the old fashion style pharmacy I tripped over an old lady that thought I was trying to get helped first and she and with the help of her wooden stick, didnt wanted this! The lady behind the counter was looking rather strange at me, well I guess, it is not everyday that you get a visit from Barry White.
So, when it was my turn I just opened my mouth and she knew straight what was wrong, a severe case of BarryWhitus! She opened up the special red alert draw and got me a pack of Humex and a spray. However I told her that I dont like sprays and I prefer a gel, but it turned out not to be for my haircut...
Please Mr White, take three pills of this per day, one magic one for the night (lucky me) and spray three to four times a day!
At home I tried to swallow the first pill the size of a small child and sprayed it all off with a nice anti White disgusting tasting liquid.
Apparantly this routine I have to repeat for 4 days and all will return to normal.
So, if anyone is interested in a Barry White concert, I will take booking for the coming 4 days and than I will decide to retire. If Humex and company is be able to work its magic. Life is full of surprises...
vrijdag 11 januari 2008
Forgotten Soviet Hero
During the expedition in Moscow I came across a number of heroes. People that we all know and that we admire or maybe question, but in any case, they have made their mark in history.
But of course, as always we forget the heroes that really count. The people that change lives and give pleasure to millions. The ones that make our lives sweeter!
You have guessed it by now? I guess not! I am talking about Chocolate Tina, enfin, I don’t really know her actual name but she is the lady featured on Russia’s most famous chocolate bar. Close to the riverfront you can see and smell the factory of Aljonka that produces the soviet sweet treat that kept the country from falling apart. The Willy Wonka of the Communist Party figured that putting a picture of a sweet little girl would make life easier and more interesting.
For years to come the Russian people were putting their teeth in proper comrade chocolate that tasted like ...the party has decided it should taste! With a shell life of at least 6 months, it was easy to calculate how many bars you needed to last you a 5 Year Plan. A bit later they actually added different flavours and I recently found out that the girl on the chocolate package is a real person and still alive. I thought, wow, Chocolate Tina should be rolling it, but no. The Communist Party was not very sweet and decided that this girl was participating for the better of the country and therefore being paid enough! However 50 years later it turns out that there is a new right for them that gives them royalties and I guess Chocolate Tina, a bit less youthful, is now slowly getting was she deserved, a sweet ending for a forgotten hero of the Soviet era.
Capital of Culture
Stranger things have happened but Liverpool is as of today; Capital City of Culture.
The city that brought us the Fab Four, Liverpool FC and...crime, chips, ...
When thinking about Culture I would not really count Liverpool among them but I guess every city deserve a fair chance and Liverpool maybe a few more.
Last year I visited Liverpool for the first time and I have to say its not that bad as people say. One of the highlights was being invited by a local family to come and visit the underground pub where The Beatles started. There was a real good atmosphere and the people were very friendly. ALthough I have to admit that probably ever pub in town was claiming 'the first concert..." The last time it was already clear that Liverpool was taking things seriously with the construction of many new buildings and hotels and sort of cleaning up of the streets.
As with many of these important events, the city real gets the opportunity to show what it has to offer and I am certain that this is not only the Beatles.
Good luck to Liverpool and good luck to Culture, next time it might be Nice...
Check out the website and discover the different faces of Liverpool's Culture.
The city that brought us the Fab Four, Liverpool FC and...crime, chips, ...
When thinking about Culture I would not really count Liverpool among them but I guess every city deserve a fair chance and Liverpool maybe a few more.
Last year I visited Liverpool for the first time and I have to say its not that bad as people say. One of the highlights was being invited by a local family to come and visit the underground pub where The Beatles started. There was a real good atmosphere and the people were very friendly. ALthough I have to admit that probably ever pub in town was claiming 'the first concert..." The last time it was already clear that Liverpool was taking things seriously with the construction of many new buildings and hotels and sort of cleaning up of the streets.
As with many of these important events, the city real gets the opportunity to show what it has to offer and I am certain that this is not only the Beatles.
Good luck to Liverpool and good luck to Culture, next time it might be Nice...
Check out the website and discover the different faces of Liverpool's Culture.
donderdag 10 januari 2008
Love Earth
There are many different initiatives being taking up to protect animals world wide. We all know the WWF or the WSPA ( but the BBC has launched another action that is called 'Love Earth' and apart from the fact that it clearly shows that we are doing a good job at killing quiet a number of species on a rapid rate it gives you the possibility to track those animals with a Google based system and get plenty of information on them. This way a simple endangered animal like a Elephant becomes much more than a number. You will have its name, it whereabouts, all types of stats and its therefore very educational and sheds a much better light on what we are causing on the animal world.
Furthermore there is a special page for kids, there are postcards and plenty of other interesting features. It clearly shows that the Brits are strong in supporting causes and making us more aware. So, hopefully it will change some people's minds and or raise awareness for it, because it is really worth it!
Check it out on this website and spend some time to get to know your favourite animal.
Furthermore there is a special page for kids, there are postcards and plenty of other interesting features. It clearly shows that the Brits are strong in supporting causes and making us more aware. So, hopefully it will change some people's minds and or raise awareness for it, because it is really worth it!
Check it out on this website and spend some time to get to know your favourite animal.
woensdag 9 januari 2008
Soldes Sales

In France they like things to be official and the sales period is no different. It can only start on the 9th of January until the 16 of February and not one day longer or earlier, they even send out the Gestapo Sales Police.
Even more stranger is that many people take the day off to get the best possible prices. Long queues are starting very early and the very expensive brands have a huge security monkey at the door to filter the people.
Within hours the majority of the bargains are gone and people head back home. When I was working in retail I was really surprised my the way this worked. The set up of the store, the merchandise and the prices. Funnily after that I could come into a store a number of days before the sales kick off and see what would be reduced and what wouldnt be! Although you wont see me taking a day off or waiting in a line.
On the other hand Monaco is even smarter, they look at when Italy starts its sales period and the French one and so they start 3 days earlier, getting the best of the very eager shoppers to come to Monaco.
For me it seems all a bit weird cos isnt easier to order things online from the various websites? I had a look at they offer discounts up to 80% which is not yet they case with the shops and they deliver free to your place.
I guess that with the number of online purchases for the Xmas period and now the sales we will see each year a bigger shift towards the usage of internet and less and less for the shops. The only industry that is still not be able to adopt a good online commerce is the car industry. Obviously we still like to sniff the leather and kick the tires and the difference in price is just not very interesting.
The new technologies and new ways of selling are fast and getting better and better, so maybe this will change too in the future.
Soon, we dont need to leave our homes anymore cos all can be organised through the internet, the only thing we need is a fast connection and a comfortable chair and not even a day off. Seem like a good deal too me!
dinsdag 8 januari 2008
The Spy who licked me...

Her Majesty Secret Services has signed a deal with the UK Postal Services to issue a set of stamps commemorating the fictional super-spy 007 and to mark the 100 years bday of Ian Fleming. I can now make plenty of silly jokes that they are for your eyes only and came from the spy who licked me...
But I think they look quiet cool and it makes a bit of a change from the majority of boring stamps they normally have. Stamps are forever...
You have won ! Again?

Working from home is a good way to be productive and focussed and I find myself working more efficiently and even harder, not sure whether that is good but well, c'est comme ca! However there is always time for a break, just for a quick cup of the coffee bean gods or lunch. But lately this schedule is being broken up by calls on my mobile and or fixed telephone line. It seems that I have been made priority in 2008 and I should win or be protected. Naturally I have nothing against winning something or being protected but the French way is ought.
Picture this;
a sweaty, lightly nervous student is calling from a call center in the North of France, to congratulate me with my gift. My gift? The cloned and pre-programmed student reads the scripts and follows on; yes sir, you have won a juice maker. Aren't you happy? Well, no not really, cos I guess I have to pick it up somewhere and than listen to bizarrely dressed salesmen that are no good at selling. Ehhhh, well it is not in the script Mr Bos, but yes, you are right. Ok, thanks, but no thanks! But in the following days I have won an electric screw thingy, a toaster, a digital camera, a set of knives and the best one; 5 years worth of eletronic protection systems for free! In the year of the Rat, it seems that luck is on my side...
It is hard to believe that in the 21st century a marketing approach as old as stinky piece of roquefort is still doing it for those companies. Funnily enough one of the companies was an old client at RivieraRadio that prided himself with the fact that he was very 'state of the art' in terms of his marketing tools. Not sure that this fits my criteria of state of the art. But it clearly provides me with plenty of breaks I am not interested in.
I have therefore replaced my anszering machines message with the following; Hello, you have reached Lucky Erwin, I am currently too busy picking up gifts that I ask you to drop them off at my doorstep, many thanks and have a nice day, ps Call JrSr for some real innovative marketing tools!
maandag 7 januari 2008
The future is all about touching
Bill Gates just finished a live debat/question round in terms of what the future brings. Well as we know Mr Gates has dominated the PC market in many ways, but he was also a man that wrote a book claiming that the internet would be a big thing... Doh, well today when Netscape stops its activity (Explorer of Windows killed it), Bill admitted that he made mistakes. In terms of the search engine tools and even the browser but also Vista (just purchase the upgrade...)
Gates has never really succeeded in making his product sexy or desirable like Apple but just found ways to force feed his products. He even claims not to own any Apple product, maybe a Zune is better than an Ipod??
Anyway, today he announced a world changing vision of Microsoft. A world in which people will be able to use all their IT gadgets through Touch. (did I hear this somewhere before?) The system Gates has called Surface is making us use all high tech gadgets with our fingertips. Digital photos, Internet, Music,... you name it, you touch it! Strangely enough, it feels like Microsoft is always running behind Apple but maybe this time they are be able to launch it properly and completely working but to me it still sounds like a jealous IT nerd that wants to copy others and take credit for it... But well, maybe my 'anger' is due to my crashing web browser of Mr B.G. Check out the 'revolution'
Gates has never really succeeded in making his product sexy or desirable like Apple but just found ways to force feed his products. He even claims not to own any Apple product, maybe a Zune is better than an Ipod??
Anyway, today he announced a world changing vision of Microsoft. A world in which people will be able to use all their IT gadgets through Touch. (did I hear this somewhere before?) The system Gates has called Surface is making us use all high tech gadgets with our fingertips. Digital photos, Internet, Music,... you name it, you touch it! Strangely enough, it feels like Microsoft is always running behind Apple but maybe this time they are be able to launch it properly and completely working but to me it still sounds like a jealous IT nerd that wants to copy others and take credit for it... But well, maybe my 'anger' is due to my crashing web browser of Mr B.G. Check out the 'revolution'
zondag 6 januari 2008
Vadim Makes Classic Rock
To conclude the Russian experience, tonight the expedition headed to the Monte Carlo Orchestre Philharmonique, to experience Russian Christmas. 2 hours under the influence of Russia's greatest say the least, I was worried.
I had to pick up the tickets at the ticket office (ordered online but that is too high tech I guess) and join the queue of people that was kind of a grey line, average age 60. A culteral experience seems to be not an easy thing for young people and I share this too but I am also curious, curious whether this can spark something in my rather down to earth Dutchmanism.
First part kicked off in a soft style, quiet pleasant but not really my cup of espresso. Than the second part started with violin player Vadim Repin. Good eveninngggggg Monaco. What is this guy doing? It felt like the violin was his girlfriend and tonite he had decided to stroke her like there was no tomorrow. She purred, cried, scream and reached great heights, but Vadim never lost control. The man knows how to strike the right cord. After a battle between the girlfriend and him the departed off stage, presumely both very tired and satified. The violin was still smoking. This was a surprise ! When listening and looking at him I thought of him like he was driving an elegant Jaguar, driving quick through the beautiful hintenland, in control but gracefully.
Please dont think of Andre Rieu, cos he reminds me of a big pickup truck full of drunk guests dancing the polka.
Funny actually that it was almost like a rock concert, people dont headbang (back and forwards) but move from left to right and wear big fluffy hairdo's.
He even came back for an encore, during which he quickly explained to the surprised orchestre what to do, before switching into 5th gear and take a second attempt to finally cut the violin in two.
Spasiba Vadim, at least you have managed to surprise me and took me for a walk to a field of creativity of the newkind.
A worthy closure of the Russian expedition !
I had to pick up the tickets at the ticket office (ordered online but that is too high tech I guess) and join the queue of people that was kind of a grey line, average age 60. A culteral experience seems to be not an easy thing for young people and I share this too but I am also curious, curious whether this can spark something in my rather down to earth Dutchmanism.
First part kicked off in a soft style, quiet pleasant but not really my cup of espresso. Than the second part started with violin player Vadim Repin. Good eveninngggggg Monaco. What is this guy doing? It felt like the violin was his girlfriend and tonite he had decided to stroke her like there was no tomorrow. She purred, cried, scream and reached great heights, but Vadim never lost control. The man knows how to strike the right cord. After a battle between the girlfriend and him the departed off stage, presumely both very tired and satified. The violin was still smoking. This was a surprise ! When listening and looking at him I thought of him like he was driving an elegant Jaguar, driving quick through the beautiful hintenland, in control but gracefully.
Please dont think of Andre Rieu, cos he reminds me of a big pickup truck full of drunk guests dancing the polka.
Funny actually that it was almost like a rock concert, people dont headbang (back and forwards) but move from left to right and wear big fluffy hairdo's.
He even came back for an encore, during which he quickly explained to the surprised orchestre what to do, before switching into 5th gear and take a second attempt to finally cut the violin in two.
Spasiba Vadim, at least you have managed to surprise me and took me for a walk to a field of creativity of the newkind.
A worthy closure of the Russian expedition !
Transfer Windows is open

Yes yes, business is back in football land and the transfer window has just been opened and clubs are already offering silly amounts for silly players. Ajax just bought back Perez after they sold him 6 months ago to Psv??? Interesting move...
But I have to give credit to Feyenoord Rotterdam for having made the most interesting purchase of this moment. A new striker for the dockworkers in Rotterdam all the way from South Africa. Personally I have never heard of the man but I think that Feyenooit should at least get a medal for this guy... He is called Kermit Erasmus !!! No he is not green nor very bright but apparantly he will be the future of Feyenoord. His haircut is also quiet interesting ...
I am just waiting for them to hire those two old guys that were always on the balcony, maybe there is some space left in the budget and the VIP box?
I am off to celebrate the Russian Christmas in Monaco, more about this later
zaterdag 5 januari 2008
Back from the USSR

Yesterday was a day that can simple be described as a day of Transit. Getting up really early and heading for the cab (this time a Peugeot Partner) generally for goods in France but who cares, everything beats a Lada. Driving to a almost dead Moscow with lighted buildings is actually a really nice experience. The light is quiet clear and the buildings even more impressive, not a bad start of the day!
Airport arrival in minus 16 was rather cold so the big entrance hall looked very appealing. To kill some time the expedition headed to the local coffee house where a 6 member staff took care of my very complicated order; a coffee. After this through some xray machines and the check in, only 45 minutes... Xray machines were crap and didnt discover my secret things hidden in the luggage!
Many important people with friendly Russian faces were present to see that I left the country in good order, which of course I was willing to do.
Getting closer to the gate I got a bit of a strange feeling, flying a Tupolev is not on my To Do list and I dying is even further down on that list. BUT surprise surprise, I guess Aeroflop just handed in there empty bottles of vodka and statiegeld covered for a brand new Airbus, thank God!
An easy comfortable flight to...Varsovie, Poland. Three hours of waiting made the expedition only on the help of Cola, coffee, blueberry muffins and Polish water and no Wifi here as you would expect...
The next plane was a surprise. What will it be? A paper one? One that is celebrating his last flight today? On that was recently taken apart and they got some spare parts left over? No, no, after a busride to destiny I looked at what can be described as a 45 seater which is close to his retirement age, only to be entered by using a can opener and no space for heads, who needs those anyway??
Of course the expedition had the last seat on the plane, at the back next to the only toilet, how handy. To celebrate old age, LOT airlines (funny in Dutch..) wanted to make sure that a 3 hour flight is not enough and added another hour on the runway. If anybody wants to know how many windows the airport building of Varsovie has than give me a call... Finally the started the engine, some extra wood in the oven for the heating system and off we go.
Friday Flying Fright, shaken and stirred, mixed like a bad cocktail it carried on. Eating was like juggling and was is just me or was this plane really making those sounds??? Hours passed and the toilet was in full action, I tried to sleep but my dreams became strange, reality even stranger when we approached Nice. The temperature increased each minutes with 5 degrees and when I saw Marina Baie des Anges I was close to boiling. Of course air traffic was busy so it took awhile to get the plane down, this time was used to dance around in the clouds and simulate air disaster, and that was all included in the ticket price!
Finally down, the expidition bearly managed to walk out of the plane to catch the bus and try the fresh air of Nice.
Its good to be back and next time I will cycle !
donderdag 3 januari 2008
Cold Colder Coldest
I still remember the good old days in Holland, when we wrapped ourselves in all types of textiles and headed out to skate on the lake behind us. Falling down several times when your skates got stucked in a crack but always in the end the reward of hot chocolate and some sweets.
Well today, those memories came back but it all felt different. This afternoon when going out I was wearing the following; longsleeve t-shirt, 2 jumpers, 2 scarves, one big coat, my soviet hat, two pair of socks and boots and a huge coat. Moving became a real challenge and even breathing became harder. The wind was strong and straight in the face, soon I was carrying a plastic back with frozen bodyparts that had fallen off me... I cannot remember that minus 15 with wind ever felt like this?
Slowly I start to understand that being outside and living here 24/24 is not a simple thing, its survival ! In the north they have now minus 50 and sadly enough somebody drove into their gas supply system and they dont have enough to stay warm. It has become clear that vodka is not only there for fun but as a first aid to get you trough the cold day. With the streets being quiet and the light slowly moving away as of 15.00, Moscow is a cold and a bit sad but not that much! Shops and restaurants are open to serve hot Italian style chocolate (you spoon will get stucked) and the variety of cakes are impressive. All the supermarkets are open 24 hours a day and quiet a few coffeeshops too. Public transport runs as normal and the streets are being cleaned all the time.
It seems like the Russians have found a way to deal with the winter and although they still dont smile, they dont complaint!
Maybe I should just open a little shop and start selling Erwtensoup and Unox sausages so that I can bring a little smile back on their face...
(look at that silly Dutchman and his green soup ....)
woensdag 2 januari 2008
To queue or not to queue?
Its impossible to ignore the Kremlin when you are in Moscow, only by its sheer size you cannot miss it. However there is another way you cannot miss it and that is the line of people waiting to buy a ticket to get in. Joy Joy, today I got familiar with this old Soviet ritual, standing in the in a line, with minus 15 degrees to visit something that seems to be popular but remains kind of a secret.
It only took 50 minutes to get very close to the ticket office when they announced that the tickets were sold out for the morning part... and it will resell tickets for the afternoon only one hour before the opening. This meant that I queued for nothing and I needed to come back again?? Well it turned out that you can still visit the Kremlin but just the basic tour. Basic tour it will be than!
The expedition walked down the stairs to join yet another line but this time to get in. After having waited for a while and walked in a circle it turned out that this was not the right line...ahhh The correct line was opposite and of equal importance. Finally, after having been searched the Kremlin is there to grab. Well, you need first to walk a bit but after one and half hour of waiting this is the fun part. The Kremlin square is basically a huge square with many different types of churches and offices buildings, some can be visited and others cannot. The advantage of visiting a church is often overrated but today the inside of a warm church was a great thing to be visited. Inside, I slowly recuperated some of my body parts and had a look at the walls of this church. Strangely there was no part of the wall that wasn’t decorated with a saint or holy fellow. It seemed that the Italian architect was instructed to use as much paint and images as he wanted and clearly he wanted a lot! Heading outside to appreciate the big square the wind soon sliced my face as a fresh carpaccio and my ears were trying to hide inside my head.
The place was actually not what I expected at all, I really was thinking of huge long walls with pictures of the presidents and soviet heroes but now I was looking at golden tops of churches that, Thank God, were well heated.
One strange thing that didn’t really make sense was the entrance and exit of each building, they were both the same and generally not bigger than 50 centimetres. Try squeezing a fur coated rather large grandma through this with a bone stack of Dutch man on the other side...not very pretty!
Today I had my fair share of lines to wait in and the expedition moved to the Boscobar for a nice coffee and cake, of course we just needed to wait to get in...typical!
dinsdag 1 januari 2008
S Novim godom!
It is always interesting to experience what the New Year celebrations are for other countries and tonite I was privileged to witness this First hand in Moscow.
Essential ingredients of every new years celebrations is food and in Moscow this is no different. There is plenty of caviar, fresh salmon, and all types of sliced meat and plenty of salads cos its seems that the starter translates to salad ! The most popular version is Olivier, which sounds French but is sold in France under the name…Russian salad. Mayonnaise, ham, peas etc are part of it and there is also Haring in a coat basically beetroot, with onions, mashed potatoes, some cheese and haring, it looks like a pie gone wrong but it tastes good.
Desserts are not really a Russian thing and they seem to be addicted to Clementine’s when and where ever you look they are eating the small sister of the orange!
By the way, the caviar is really nice and no longer black since that is illegal and its orange now! What a good colour !
In terms of the working force it seems that everything closes at 20.00 in the evening and people start preparing than or go for a walk. The expedition went for a walk and the Kremlin and Red Square was nicely decorated but blocked since a tiny important man was recording its New Years speech !
The streets are virtually empty and crossing the street has finally become childsplay!
Towards 22.00 we started our assault on the salads and other tasty goods with a glass of white wine and towards 24.00 the Brut Imperial Rose of Moet and Chandon was opened to start the year in style! Fireworks have been there the whole day and funnily enough its not legal to light them after 24.00. Knowing the average Russian person, this will not be easy to prevent and even I joined it the fun.
2007 is gone, welcome 2008 ! 365 days to digest the food and the drinks before we will do it all over again !
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