Saturday afternoon, after the storm, was bright and sunny and perfect to visit the house. As always I was curious to see what has been done and what hasn’t. Upon arrival I noticed straight away that the windows and doors have been placed in the house and it gives it a more ready feel to it! The staircases have been finished with the black Italian stones and a number of little walls have been built to indicate the different gardens.
When I enter the house I find a big pile of parquet on the floor which has not been used. The workers explain that the floor is still not dry enough so I need to wait a bit more. The bath tube has arrived and also the shutters, but my God, the colour ! The shutters are Hulk inspired and can be seen in the dark from at least Cannes. Who the hell is in charge of the colour schemes? Is there some kind of architect taking the Mickey out of me??? The good thing is that the window frames and shutters are of solid wood and not plastic but I really don’t understand the colour. Well, I guess this is something that is kind of an acquired taste, something that will grow on you. For the moment they are placed inside the house and that is kind of handy because they brighten up the room…
But apart from that it looks like things are moving, with literally 3 weeks from the proposed date, things are taking shape. But it is clear that they will never finish it all before the 15th although, to be honest I never really believed in that. They have an additional 30 days to get things sorted before the penalty clause will kick in and that I am sure they are not to keen on. In any case tomorrow I will have another look before diner at the gastronomic restaurant of Seborga. Run by the always smoking, big moustached signor that is also the Minister of Foreign affairs. I am not making it up but in the Principality of Seborga everybody is taking this very seriously. Naturally I support the same cause ! Free Seborga !
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