The elections in Italy are approaching and in all the towns, men with big bellies and jeans that always seem to slide down, set up metal frames. These frames are being used later on for each party to put its party campaign poster on it. Over the last couple of days these empty places have been filled up with colourful campaign poster of at least 7 different parties. When taking a closer look at them I noticed something ought… On the one from Berlusconi for instance, they show the party name and leader and the big logo but this one was crossed out.
Wow, in the sleepy town of Bordighera a fanatic non supporter of the big Berlu has staged a silent action against him. But the next day I noticed that all these posters seem to have it and at the end of the crossed lines there even is a sign that looks like a pen or pencil. Hang on, this is basically showing voters how to vote ! Dear Italian voter, please select our party by using a pen or pencil and use it to produce two lines that cross eachother in the middle. This is for sure indiot proof voting and I am sure that nobody will ask for any assistance.
Strange actually, when I voted for the first time at 18 years of age, I remembered a huge DJ like mix panel with all the names of the candidates and you just needed to push the button. I guess this would be to difficult to show on those election posters so the Italian still rely on old fashion methods to elect and another president to run the country.
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