The holiday season is coming up and that brings a lot of questions upon us. What to put under the tree, which color balls to hang in it, what to serve for diner and the list goes on and on. Generally this process than be summed up with one word : Expensive.
You what better way to search for alternatives that will make this period a little bit less expensive without reducing the spirit of Xmas. As your personal christmas shopper I have put on my red suit and white beard and strolled in the streets to that special gift that will provide us with it. Santa Bos discovered quick that nowadays all the merde is for sale in shops and all the interesting things are for sale online and therefore no need to run around looking like an escaped psychiatric patient of planet Christmas, just lounge on the sofa and surf!
Within in minutes I have discovered that you can dress up cats, order a turkey online, get plastic christmas trees that smell like the real ones and I discovered that Papa Santa Claus is getting hammered on vodka in Lapland. Interesting facts but not really very effective. Well, I guess the solution I need is simple and should be available in the land of Burgers. Easy said, I continued my online research and YES, within minutes I found what we all are looking for ! The perfect gift during christmas dinner, something that has everybody and hardly costs anything... Curious?
Well, its in a bottle (how creative) and sold as a pack... Soooo, well it is pack that includes Ham, Egg nog, Apple sauce and Turkey flavored soda ! Fantastic, why didnt I think of this before! No time to waste cooking, just one simple visit to the store and joy joy ! I cant hardly wait to open up my bottle of Turkey soda, however it leaves me with one question; How can I get the stuffing in it?
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