When I was a little boy, running around on my wooden shoes in the windmill of my parents making brrrrrrr sounds and covering myself in sand. Yes, some people would blame it on too much sugar I just blame it on the need for speed...this nothing being the of the drugs variety. The speed of cars and motors driving to the desert and defying all laws of human power and achieving a boys/girls dream.
What am I talking about? Lisboa Dakar Rallye of course! 15 stages of dust drinking and sand eating for crazy people that like to spend 15 days in a car driving 6 000 kilometers and stretching their car beyond what you will do we it in more than 10 years and risking their lives to get what? TO THE FINISH! I think its an amazing adventure and I really respect people who have participated, they are not doing to win just to proof to themselves that they are capable of extra ordinary things, when they are motivated and passionated about something.
Maybe one day I will decide to borrow Abs 4x4 (pls fix the radiator...) and take a small holiday to give it a shot! The thing about dreams is that they are nice but the reality offers far more, so instead of blogging about it I just need to do it.
A 4x4 sponsored by JuniorSenior would be a super PR stunt of course, with stickers on the side Sand Sucks ! I reckon that we could do very well, providing that we get the money sorted and I understand the non GPS stages...
Picture this; a pink 4x4 with Sand Sucks, cruising through the desert to go where no man has gone before, chasing a dream that started in a windmill!
Wow, poetry in motion ! Let's goooooooooooooooooo
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