woensdag 31 oktober 2007

Welcome to the Jungle

A bidding war has started for the Riviera Palace and it makes things not easy. The Italian house has encountered an additional challenges cos they have not had the planning permission for 20m2 grrrr. Buying and selling is great fun but it sometimes really feels like a jungle; a warm and humid environment that is a bit silent but you feel you are not alone, you are being observed. Scary.... Anyway, having already taking an appointment with the notary office the reaction of the other party is needed AND fast!

Having said so I feel a bit like a used car salesman that is pushing people to buy his car cos there is a bunch of people ready to buy that specific model. However it makes things clear and the future owner or future loser of the place will realize that he needs to get in the jungle and find his way out very quickly.

The first party is a well known doctor who is of course a bachelor and needs to find a pad to impress the ladies the second is a couple of rich people from Paris that are looking for a weekend pad. In both cases they are interesting people with good conditions and the ability to pay the peanuts we ask. May the best win !

The only thing I need is ONE party to sign and I will be out of the jungle :)

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