The dark and cold days are approaching and having an immediate effect on our mood. Everything seems to be better and brighter when the sun is shining. Well, this is of course not true for the Dutch. We spend on average 99% of our time in doors cos it is raining cats and dogs and we have a huge summer that covers at least three weeks during which you will spend more timing standing in a line waiting for an ice cream or worse...to get to the parking of the beach. Nevermind the hairy, slightly overweight German fellow that taken over the beach, although this time temporarly.
How in the world is it possible to remain positive under these conditions??? Well, we decorate! Excuse moi? Yes, Dutch people spend fortunes on pimping their houses into a Palace of Deco. With revolutionary interior designers likes Jan de Bouvries (paint it all white) or Wanders.
Decorating is big and it is getting big overhere too in France, take a look at Deco at M6, even the presentor is Big! But when decorating the place we often look for the latest trends, that thing that will draw your attention or that painting that stimulates your brain. (Take a look at my Brood) But I like to make people smile when decorating (oufff this sounds rather gay ...) I bought a painting of two belgium artist of Kenny of Southpark (maybe those Belgium guys were having a laugh) and now I have purchased a new candle holder.
A what? Yes a candle holder. During those sober days and dark nights, we need to enjoy the magical light of candles and since everybody is buying those crap candles holders from Ikea, I have invested in a rather different version. Mine is called the Candle Man and yes it is rather funny and different. It is for sure eye catching but it is also a create investment, it was designed by Smeets and Tynnagel.
A what? Yes a candle holder. During those sober days and dark nights, we need to enjoy the magical light of candles and since everybody is buying those crap candles holders from Ikea, I have invested in a rather different version. Mine is called the Candle Man and yes it is rather funny and different. It is for sure eye catching but it is also a create investment, it was designed by Smeets and Tynnagel.
There is only one little problem about it....it weights 450 kilo! Try to hang that on the wall and soon you will be enjoying coffee with the neighbours with a huge hole in the wall.
Decorating is great fun but who can handle the Candle man?
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