After almost 15 years and two innocent people jailed my little sister has just solved the biggest crime story in the region ! Ok, she had a little help from some blue wearing officers (no smurfs) and this morning they arrested the suspect and this afternoon, Elma took the stand. Organising the press conference, introducing the case to the journalist and even a meeting with Holland biggest crime fighter Peter R de Vries. The police has never looked so smart !
Soon there will be an Elma fanclub and I am looking forward to see her pushing that moustache...congrats little sis!
Check it out here
1 opmerking:
Tsja, als NLiBtl (nederlander in het buitenland) komt al het laaglandige nieuws wat trager door.
Leuk stukkie film, en idd, je zus staat er prachtig op. Een voorbeeld voor onze Elma!
(PS, die Officier van Justitie is wel een mediageil manneke hoor)
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