Today I was supposed to get the key to mi casa and although I was not expecting any changes to the program, they still surprised me this morning. First a short, face lifted man with heels got elected for a third time as president of Italy (the 65 government since the end of the war!!!) and secondly, an email that explained that I wont get my key today. Damn! Why not, well no reason, c'est comme ca, as the say in good Italian. The builders are advancing but not finished anyway so it is not a big deal but I do like to get my furniture delivered and stored savely.
Well, the constructor understood and offered to do this for 9.00 o'clock on Friday morning. Sounds good to be. Ah just by the way Mr Bos, dont forgot to send us 100.000euro on our account before Friday, that will be handier. Handier? For what ? The weekend?
It seems that money talks and bullshit walks but I guess that this has become a bit Mafia like. After a quick call with the real estate agent it turns out that this is normal and I shouldnt worry ( a phrase I seem to hear rather often lately) and all will be ok for Friday. Well, see about that mister! You dont know my bank ...
Anyway, time is going really fast now and soon the furniture and electronic appliances will be delivered and I need to get it installed and start thinking about how to organise it inside the place. Those are the luxury problems and therefore quiet fun ! I even got excited when I ordered a new lave linge. An aide that is very useful but very boring, so I decided to order one that has a screen that tells me all the info I need to know (and tons I dont) and offers plenty of stupid buttons to keep me busy during the weekend. Ah gadgets ;)
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