Tuesday evening at 22.00 I put my new key in the new house to start after only 100 days of extended delays, a multitude of problems, the ‘dream’ has finally become reality.
Looking at the dust inside, it clearly shows that 100 days have gone past without Mr Bosco being present but who cares?? The most important thing was and is the actual possession of the place and that means camping inside and taking for granted a number of minor obstacles that, to be honest, are all acceptable now !
The first evening, I installed a big lounge chair (or bed) in the middle of the garden to observe the stars and enjoy the silence. This is really a haven of peace and it is fantastic to just lay down and finally and realise that …Yes it was and is all worth it !
donderdag 31 juli 2008
zondag 27 juli 2008
Update 2
Although positively certain that this weekend would be the weekend of moving in I arrived on Saturday morning with lots of stuff in the car at the entrance lane to the house.
I have learned from the past so I decided first to check out the status before the actual moving of stuff to the house. When I approached the house I heard a strange buzzing sound coming out of the house. Intrigued I opened the door and I spotted a very sweaty imitation of Father Xmas with a huge machine that was sanding the parquet floor AGAIN. Hang on, this was already done and the next phase, putting a protective layer on the floor too. A simple Italian French conversation didn’t really made thing clearer so a call to the agent was next. He was not aware of it and he was straight on the phone with the builders. Their feedback was disappointing again, they were not happy with the previous result and decided to redo the work.
Quality control is great but why leaving this for 5 days and starting it when I am suppose to move in??? The miracle world of builders remains a mystery for me and it was back to the ‘old’ apartment for yet a extended stay. The next day will be this coming Monday evening or Tuesday evening…well, I want to believe it but would this be smart?
The finish line is close but some builder is having fun repainting the line each time I am about to cross it, next time I will jump!
I have learned from the past so I decided first to check out the status before the actual moving of stuff to the house. When I approached the house I heard a strange buzzing sound coming out of the house. Intrigued I opened the door and I spotted a very sweaty imitation of Father Xmas with a huge machine that was sanding the parquet floor AGAIN. Hang on, this was already done and the next phase, putting a protective layer on the floor too. A simple Italian French conversation didn’t really made thing clearer so a call to the agent was next. He was not aware of it and he was straight on the phone with the builders. Their feedback was disappointing again, they were not happy with the previous result and decided to redo the work.
Quality control is great but why leaving this for 5 days and starting it when I am suppose to move in??? The miracle world of builders remains a mystery for me and it was back to the ‘old’ apartment for yet a extended stay. The next day will be this coming Monday evening or Tuesday evening…well, I want to believe it but would this be smart?
The finish line is close but some builder is having fun repainting the line each time I am about to cross it, next time I will jump!
Update 1
Well it turns out that it is possible to become the president of Italia…Just got the confirmation for the Super Cup lottery tickets and I have obtained 2 ! The chance was very small or even microscopic but it meant that there was still a chance and two tickets are now in the pocket.
Flappy here we come !
Flappy here we come !
vrijdag 25 juli 2008
Grandma to the rescue

In France there is a program that is called Super nanny with a simple concept; your household (with kids) is being observed and analysed before the tough looking lady announces a revolution and makes your household a model one.
In Italy there is an equivalent that is called SOS TATA, which is more traditional, with the lady wearing a silly blue dress with polka dots and having a face like a sour plum.
It made me curious, are Italian households as bad as the French ones?
Well Super Tata moves in with a successful business couple that has three kids. The house is big and the decoration is sort of ok and they seem quiet well balanced at first sight.
Meet the kids…three little men that are ready to show Super Tata that hell is created on earth.
The first two days, Super Tata observes and after 15 minutes her eyes are dropping on the floor. The two oldest lads have gone to the garden, where they both take a pee against dads Mercedes, before they move on to hose the little garden fence. This fence is particularly annoying after the pee session and they decide to kick it like there is no tomorrow. Having successfully terminated this job they move on to mums area. A place of peace and flowers, mum loves it and the boys too. After 15 minutes, they have managed to move all that is planted from right to the left side. At this stage mum walks in and is shocked! She talks to the boys…ragazzi this is not nice! Not nice? You are kidding me ! This is fun ! Inside the house diner is ready and they all sit at the table, little man 1 drops his pasta in the lap of his younger sister and little man 2 shoves his brothers head in the sauce. Mum and dad are not happy but what to do? Super Tata is lost, having an heart attack and frankly without a solution.
When the roles are being reversed and she takes over, she has the help of a Sos Tata number too and without real conviction starts to put down the rules.
The list is long, really long and stickers are handed to all kids for a job well done.
First this seems interesting to them but trying to smash the washing machine door, using the electric screw driver to drill holes in the walls and taking down the books from the shelves is much more fun although there are no stickers to be gained.
These boys are fantastic, every time I think they will become angels and they surprise everybody again and provide the parents with yet another challenge.
Super Tata is hopeless and although be able to score some points, she realised that these boys are destined for organised crime and she is being taking away by the ambulance.
Super Cup challenge
Getting tickets to the Super Cub in Monaco this year has become more attractive with some great players and certainly a number of great Dutch players. I was looking forward to attend it. At the front desk of the Stade Louis II, Jacques welcomed me, obviously bored out of his head but in a good mood. Hello bonjour, etc , 4 tickets please for the Supercup. Ah monsieur, are you a member of the ASM FC ?
Non, but I don’t mind being one. No no, you need to be a three year member, have green eyes, walk the 100meter under 15 seconds and drive a black car with green stripes….in other words, impossible! He continued, we only sell 200 tickets and they are for those previously mentioned crowd the rest ( something like 15.000) is for sponsors, players, official and oh yes some fans. Ok, cool, but how? Well, very simple you go to the website of the Eufa and register for a lottery of tickets, but only 2 tickets and to be honest I the chance of getting any is very very small.
I leave the place and log on to the website, after a frantic search I find the lottery and register, with credit card details and lots of other details I enter.
The results will be send by email before the 31st of July. Fingers crossed but honestly… becoming president of Italy seems easier.
Non, but I don’t mind being one. No no, you need to be a three year member, have green eyes, walk the 100meter under 15 seconds and drive a black car with green stripes….in other words, impossible! He continued, we only sell 200 tickets and they are for those previously mentioned crowd the rest ( something like 15.000) is for sponsors, players, official and oh yes some fans. Ok, cool, but how? Well, very simple you go to the website of the Eufa and register for a lottery of tickets, but only 2 tickets and to be honest I the chance of getting any is very very small.
I leave the place and log on to the website, after a frantic search I find the lottery and register, with credit card details and lots of other details I enter.
The results will be send by email before the 31st of July. Fingers crossed but honestly… becoming president of Italy seems easier.
Will it happen this weekend?
That is the one million euro question of this week. Will I finally move in after a tremendous amount of delays and problems that tested both my patience as well as my positive state of mind. But things are heading in the right direction. With the kitchen almost finished, the parquet floor ready and the walls will be touched upon a final time by the skilled hands of Leonardo Rhino the painter. Of course there are some major infrastructural issues outside the house but that should be resolved by mid August. Deadlines are short of, non interesting cos generally nobody sticks to it.
After for instance 3 failed meetings for the plumper, he finally showed up at 18.00 and had a quick look at it all and than notified me that he didn’t have the proper tools with him so he was off again… Fantastic, well matey just finish first the things for which you don’t need any tools and come back before the weekend or else… Of course he was very impressed by this… But in the end he managed to do a number of things that were useful. I have a good feeling about this weekend so I guess it will happen !
Than it just leaves me to create a For Sale sign and its back to the beginning.
After for instance 3 failed meetings for the plumper, he finally showed up at 18.00 and had a quick look at it all and than notified me that he didn’t have the proper tools with him so he was off again… Fantastic, well matey just finish first the things for which you don’t need any tools and come back before the weekend or else… Of course he was very impressed by this… But in the end he managed to do a number of things that were useful. I have a good feeling about this weekend so I guess it will happen !
Than it just leaves me to create a For Sale sign and its back to the beginning.
zondag 13 juli 2008
Illegal alien
Last Friday I drove back after a late meeting and cocktail from France to Italy. I changed clothes and put on a t shirt since the weather was still so warm.
When I arrived at the Peage La Turbie, there was virtually nobody that was ‘willing to cross the border’ and I could choose basically any booth to pay. When I put in my credit card, a man dressed in a black uniform flashed his light in my eyes and pulled me over.
This was obviously a police officer that was happy to finally see a person and get some work done. He and his colleague looked with suspicion at me and I quickly washed off my smile.
He asked me straight to see what was in the booth. Sure, no problem open it, I have nothing to hide. No, sir, get out of the car and do it for us. Sure, you lazy man ! I got out, opened the booth, showed the inside of a potential hiding place and was allowed to close it. But the guy started to get a little bit aggressive. Did I know that cannabis is not allowed? Of course I do and by the way, I am Dutch. Oops, silly me. Why do I advocate the use of illegal drugs?
Pardon me? Yes, you are wearing a t shirt with a cannabis leaf on your left arm. What? Oh right, and since when this is illegal? He started to get really excited now. This is illegal in France and very stupid. Do you want me to take it off? Yes, I would, he replied, if I had it on my trouser or if I had another one it the car. You are taking the piss right? No Mr Black Uniform and moustache was not of the joking variety and started to read me the law. I was getting more and more pissed off and said that he must be bored to spend so much time over this and asked to leave. I was allowed and while I speeded off I could still hear him and his colleague debating.
I learned a wise lesson that evening…the safest way to cross the border is naked and with the booth open…you are warned !
When I arrived at the Peage La Turbie, there was virtually nobody that was ‘willing to cross the border’ and I could choose basically any booth to pay. When I put in my credit card, a man dressed in a black uniform flashed his light in my eyes and pulled me over.
This was obviously a police officer that was happy to finally see a person and get some work done. He and his colleague looked with suspicion at me and I quickly washed off my smile.
He asked me straight to see what was in the booth. Sure, no problem open it, I have nothing to hide. No, sir, get out of the car and do it for us. Sure, you lazy man ! I got out, opened the booth, showed the inside of a potential hiding place and was allowed to close it. But the guy started to get a little bit aggressive. Did I know that cannabis is not allowed? Of course I do and by the way, I am Dutch. Oops, silly me. Why do I advocate the use of illegal drugs?
Pardon me? Yes, you are wearing a t shirt with a cannabis leaf on your left arm. What? Oh right, and since when this is illegal? He started to get really excited now. This is illegal in France and very stupid. Do you want me to take it off? Yes, I would, he replied, if I had it on my trouser or if I had another one it the car. You are taking the piss right? No Mr Black Uniform and moustache was not of the joking variety and started to read me the law. I was getting more and more pissed off and said that he must be bored to spend so much time over this and asked to leave. I was allowed and while I speeded off I could still hear him and his colleague debating.
I learned a wise lesson that evening…the safest way to cross the border is naked and with the booth open…you are warned !
woensdag 9 juli 2008
Promenade poetry in motion
What is better after a good meal to go for a stroll on the promenade of Bordighera. Surely not as grand as the Promenade des Anglais but more charming. With a cool evening breeze and the wave hitting the shores the stroll started half way through.
The most enjoyable thing to do during a walk I find is to observe others and ‘figure out’ what they are doing or thinking. With the Italians being rather nocturnal, the play ground is still lively until about 23.00 with kids playing or trying not to fall asleep in buggies or tiny plastic houses.
The next part is more restaurant orientated and offers a lot of peeking options but let me just share one. With the tourist season in full swing, there is a fair part of the promenade crowd that is foreign and bless them …Dutch. My eye was caught by a group of rather grey and stubby folks that had rosy cheeks and of which one was wearing clocks (wooden shoes) the real deal with socks. I didn’t think anybody still wears them but this guy was serious about it. When I got a bit closer it was obvious, these gnome like people were farmers that probably purchased a cheap bus ticket with Oad to tour the South of France and surroundings. They have plenty of money in rappers terms ‘they keep it real’.
Funnily enough they sat down at one of these funky restaurants and interested to order. The waitress asked them what they wished for and they all replied ; ijs ! The girl was surprised by the outburst and asked again. The reply was similar ; IJS !!! But this time very loud and clear because if you speak very loud in Dutch everybody understands… The girl pointed out that they serve coffee and drinks so disappointed the group decided to go for a Espresso latte, which they pronounced with the fattest ‘achterhoek’ accent I have every heard, hilarious!
Moving on, I spotted an old chap with a bike cycling towards a cat that had three legs pointing the right way and one the opposite (no joke) they seemed to know each other. He sat down on a garden bench and the cat jumped next to him and he stroked it gently. Than he took a plastic bag from his bike and served a delicious meal to this cat. This was clearly a widow that has struck up a friendship with a cat that barter strokes for food and some peace. Very touching to see and it clearly underlined that having a stroll is not just healthy it is also very entertaining and offers small painting of people lives that we seem to have forgotten they existed.
The most enjoyable thing to do during a walk I find is to observe others and ‘figure out’ what they are doing or thinking. With the Italians being rather nocturnal, the play ground is still lively until about 23.00 with kids playing or trying not to fall asleep in buggies or tiny plastic houses.
The next part is more restaurant orientated and offers a lot of peeking options but let me just share one. With the tourist season in full swing, there is a fair part of the promenade crowd that is foreign and bless them …Dutch. My eye was caught by a group of rather grey and stubby folks that had rosy cheeks and of which one was wearing clocks (wooden shoes) the real deal with socks. I didn’t think anybody still wears them but this guy was serious about it. When I got a bit closer it was obvious, these gnome like people were farmers that probably purchased a cheap bus ticket with Oad to tour the South of France and surroundings. They have plenty of money in rappers terms ‘they keep it real’.
Funnily enough they sat down at one of these funky restaurants and interested to order. The waitress asked them what they wished for and they all replied ; ijs ! The girl was surprised by the outburst and asked again. The reply was similar ; IJS !!! But this time very loud and clear because if you speak very loud in Dutch everybody understands… The girl pointed out that they serve coffee and drinks so disappointed the group decided to go for a Espresso latte, which they pronounced with the fattest ‘achterhoek’ accent I have every heard, hilarious!
Moving on, I spotted an old chap with a bike cycling towards a cat that had three legs pointing the right way and one the opposite (no joke) they seemed to know each other. He sat down on a garden bench and the cat jumped next to him and he stroked it gently. Than he took a plastic bag from his bike and served a delicious meal to this cat. This was clearly a widow that has struck up a friendship with a cat that barter strokes for food and some peace. Very touching to see and it clearly underlined that having a stroll is not just healthy it is also very entertaining and offers small painting of people lives that we seem to have forgotten they existed.
maandag 7 juli 2008
To tan, to fry
My favourite place to chill is at Amarea in Bordighera (www.amareaplage.it) It has a fantastic corner of the beach, with great design, good food and lovely staff and a good Wifi connection and therefore a good network opportunity since all the entrepreneurs seem to like the place too.
The owners are ambitious and with only 1,000 euro for one chair per month, it is very cheap… However the place is sold out and frequented by a rare kind of Italian of the crispy variation also known under the name ItalianTan. Since the art of appreciating the beautiful things in life is perfected by the Italians, I have been paying close attention to the visitors.
All seem to have a rather cool life that involves around sun, see and good food. The kids are being managed by the grannies and the husbands are working hard and are only allowed to join them during the weekend, providing of course that he brings his plastic Gold card.
The ladies install themselves on the lounge chair kitted out in designer bathing suits (read small) at around 10 in the morning and discuss world politics and read literature… Well, the last part is not true of course, why bother. They lay on their backs and tan for hours and hours, small breaks are permitted only to eat a salad or drink a cocktail and than back to tanning.
It seems that the Italians have discovered that if you sunbath the whole day your skin will get a colour nobody thought would be possible. They try hard and put in great efforts for hours, days even weeks and some for months. Enabling themselves to get that tan that makes you the cream de la cream of Bordighera. This colour I can only qualify as fried chicken or Imitation Afro Tan. It is basically a colour that gets tattooed on your body will only leave after the summer. It is scary to see that suncream is applied only on kids and even the grannies prefer to get first the lobster look before hitting the afro status.
I am still trying to figure out if this enables them to elevate them to a new status in society and among friends or is it just a trend. I guess that soon they will belong to a very select part of our population and that part is better to be avoided at all cost !
Disneyland is opening in Bordighera
In hectic times you need to relax and what better way to relax in a different land or world. Well, for some this is Disneyland and Bordighera, always on the look out for new attractions, has opened Bordiland. Great, Disneyland in my back garden. They purchased a huge outdoor campaign to promote it and we marketing junkies know how important it is to highlight your USPs or what makes it stand out from the others!
Well, Bordighera has indeed struck on gold…this park is the only and I repeat, the only place where they have a huge toilet ! Amazing, those creative guys at Disney are probably hitting themselves on the head for not having thought of this. A huge toilet! What is more fun than that? I can see the smiles on kids faces already! Can we go to the big toilet pleaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeee?
Next weekend I will get flushed and I am already looking forward to it…
The moment is there to start to put things together that will be used for the house and this weekend I started to assemble my garden set, lounge chairs and bed. Oh what fun…My tools where not at this house so I need to rely on a Ikea DIY set that costed 5 euros and promised to assist me during long hours of screwing (pardon me the expression)
I managed to drag all the boxes to a place where the sun was not trying to fry me and opened the first boxes that contained 4 chairs and one table. Easy, I can do this! Put my newly found Hip Music Station on and started to read the manual. Hang on, manuals are for losers, I need to get down and dirty without them. First chair progressed to the final stages during which a small plastic circle had to be placed between the arms set. Damn, this was like operating on a snail with a forklift truck! Thanks to my Yoga lessons…I managed to get hold of one part of the chair, the other was held by my teeth, my toes were holding the screw driver and my elbow pushed the plastic thingy in. Excellent, good job Dr Erwin. I put the chair straight away in the garden and took a good look at it. Oh dear, I reversed one of the back panels which made it look a bit strange but strange is good right?
Next three chairs were dealt with in a proper manner, followed by the table and the two lounge chairs. Slowly the house is getting dressed up and start to look like somebody actually wants to move in. Satisfied with the work done I tried to close the door behind me and noticed that all that DIYing had left my hands in a strange shape, like I was permanently holding a screwdriver in my hands. I guess I should stick to powertools and manuals but well, were is the fun in that?
I managed to drag all the boxes to a place where the sun was not trying to fry me and opened the first boxes that contained 4 chairs and one table. Easy, I can do this! Put my newly found Hip Music Station on and started to read the manual. Hang on, manuals are for losers, I need to get down and dirty without them. First chair progressed to the final stages during which a small plastic circle had to be placed between the arms set. Damn, this was like operating on a snail with a forklift truck! Thanks to my Yoga lessons…I managed to get hold of one part of the chair, the other was held by my teeth, my toes were holding the screw driver and my elbow pushed the plastic thingy in. Excellent, good job Dr Erwin. I put the chair straight away in the garden and took a good look at it. Oh dear, I reversed one of the back panels which made it look a bit strange but strange is good right?
Next three chairs were dealt with in a proper manner, followed by the table and the two lounge chairs. Slowly the house is getting dressed up and start to look like somebody actually wants to move in. Satisfied with the work done I tried to close the door behind me and noticed that all that DIYing had left my hands in a strange shape, like I was permanently holding a screwdriver in my hands. I guess I should stick to powertools and manuals but well, were is the fun in that?
In for a challenge?
We all have seen the programs on television about a fantastic place in the sun. People geared up for a new experience, ready to learn another language and blend in with the locals. Ambitious projects of Bed and Breakfast or even hotels, changing from a hectic life style to a more relaxed and well balanced environment, rich of colour, sunshine and good food.
And than reality hits them and they all become depressed and nothing seem to work anymore. All the positive energy is being transformed into frustration and things just stop going there way.
This is the story I keep hearing when people find out that I purchased a house in Italy that is being constructed. Fair enough, it is not easy but what is? So, is the reality as bad as those programs show us? Well, no it is worse…just kidding. It is challenging that is for sure.
Since months I have been eager to take possession of the house and this has been impossible to a huge number of things. On itself not a problem, I have a temporary roof and I know that the house will be finished, although I have no idea in which year…
Sometimes it is just funny. You have been waiting for two month to get the parquet floor and than it is done in one day. Fantastic! A quick visit to the site than learns you that it has been done but the builders ordered not enough so it is not completely done. Oh by the way, they are out of stock. Challenging indeed. The newly set date to move in is now Wednesday and for me this is just another day. I have had 7 deadlines so far and none has been respected. At least they are constant ;) The question is not when will I move in but more like, if I move in.
Painting has been done by a painter that apart from painting walls has more tattoos than Robert de Niro in CapeFear and wanted to get paid upfront 100%. Yes, we all live in Disneyland and my name is Mickey Mouse.
Next phase will be building the kitchen. Three missed appointments of potentional Bob the Builders and I guess that soon I will purchase a Buta gas set and boil some water for my pasta. The rule is simple, nobody has time and when they have time for you they all think that they are Designers and therefore putting a kitchen together or painting a wall is below their standard hence the price is more expensive. Well, true, I don’t mind saying to my friends that Candy & Candy did my kitchen and Leonardo da Vinci did the painting but lets stay humble and get to work ! I guess I should write a book about it all, sell it online and with the revenue refund the purchase and the ‘designers’… Now there is a challenge!
And than reality hits them and they all become depressed and nothing seem to work anymore. All the positive energy is being transformed into frustration and things just stop going there way.
This is the story I keep hearing when people find out that I purchased a house in Italy that is being constructed. Fair enough, it is not easy but what is? So, is the reality as bad as those programs show us? Well, no it is worse…just kidding. It is challenging that is for sure.
Since months I have been eager to take possession of the house and this has been impossible to a huge number of things. On itself not a problem, I have a temporary roof and I know that the house will be finished, although I have no idea in which year…
Sometimes it is just funny. You have been waiting for two month to get the parquet floor and than it is done in one day. Fantastic! A quick visit to the site than learns you that it has been done but the builders ordered not enough so it is not completely done. Oh by the way, they are out of stock. Challenging indeed. The newly set date to move in is now Wednesday and for me this is just another day. I have had 7 deadlines so far and none has been respected. At least they are constant ;) The question is not when will I move in but more like, if I move in.
Painting has been done by a painter that apart from painting walls has more tattoos than Robert de Niro in CapeFear and wanted to get paid upfront 100%. Yes, we all live in Disneyland and my name is Mickey Mouse.
Next phase will be building the kitchen. Three missed appointments of potentional Bob the Builders and I guess that soon I will purchase a Buta gas set and boil some water for my pasta. The rule is simple, nobody has time and when they have time for you they all think that they are Designers and therefore putting a kitchen together or painting a wall is below their standard hence the price is more expensive. Well, true, I don’t mind saying to my friends that Candy & Candy did my kitchen and Leonardo da Vinci did the painting but lets stay humble and get to work ! I guess I should write a book about it all, sell it online and with the revenue refund the purchase and the ‘designers’… Now there is a challenge!
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