In France there is a program that is called Super nanny with a simple concept; your household (with kids) is being observed and analysed before the tough looking lady announces a revolution and makes your household a model one.
In Italy there is an equivalent that is called SOS TATA, which is more traditional, with the lady wearing a silly blue dress with polka dots and having a face like a sour plum.
It made me curious, are Italian households as bad as the French ones?
Well Super Tata moves in with a successful business couple that has three kids. The house is big and the decoration is sort of ok and they seem quiet well balanced at first sight.
Meet the kids…three little men that are ready to show Super Tata that hell is created on earth.
The first two days, Super Tata observes and after 15 minutes her eyes are dropping on the floor. The two oldest lads have gone to the garden, where they both take a pee against dads Mercedes, before they move on to hose the little garden fence. This fence is particularly annoying after the pee session and they decide to kick it like there is no tomorrow. Having successfully terminated this job they move on to mums area. A place of peace and flowers, mum loves it and the boys too. After 15 minutes, they have managed to move all that is planted from right to the left side. At this stage mum walks in and is shocked! She talks to the boys…ragazzi this is not nice! Not nice? You are kidding me ! This is fun ! Inside the house diner is ready and they all sit at the table, little man 1 drops his pasta in the lap of his younger sister and little man 2 shoves his brothers head in the sauce. Mum and dad are not happy but what to do? Super Tata is lost, having an heart attack and frankly without a solution.
When the roles are being reversed and she takes over, she has the help of a Sos Tata number too and without real conviction starts to put down the rules.
The list is long, really long and stickers are handed to all kids for a job well done.
First this seems interesting to them but trying to smash the washing machine door, using the electric screw driver to drill holes in the walls and taking down the books from the shelves is much more fun although there are no stickers to be gained.
These boys are fantastic, every time I think they will become angels and they surprise everybody again and provide the parents with yet another challenge.
Super Tata is hopeless and although be able to score some points, she realised that these boys are destined for organised crime and she is being taking away by the ambulance.